Hint:Parameter 'in' is declared but never used in 'query_student'



create or replace procedure query_student(in id int) is
  select * from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student;



create or replace procedure query_student(id in int) is
  select * from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student;

create or replace procedure query_student(id in int,name out varchar2) is
  select t.name into name from t_stu_info t where t.id = id;
end query_student;

Hint:Parameter 'in' is declared but never used in 'query_student'

时间: 2024-10-15 00:11:45

Hint:Parameter 'in' is declared but never used in 'query_student'的相关文章

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