Lifelong learning

Hey, guys, this is Jack from Shanghai, how‘s everything going?

The topic today is "Lifelong learning". It‘s the topic of essay in my today‘s Enlish test. Wish you could share with me your ideas in the comment areas.Thank you. ;)

As graduate students,most of us have been asked to learn for about 20 years by the "evil" education sytem or jobs. Every morning when open up eyes, most of us are forced by others to learn for more and more achievements and money.

Today,with the development of information technology, countless information floods to us. But we have to learn it because of job pressure, school projects,as well as some requirements from many other area.And most of us, will spend all of the spare time in playing games or enjoying.It‘s reasonable,though,to relax during the off-hours.

But what if we have the choice to choose,will you choose lifelong learning?

My answer is "Yes,absolutely!"

Firstly,keeping aborbing fresh information will let us be in fashion."Why is this pond so clean and fresh? ‘Cause there is fresh springs never stop pouring to it." As a Chinese proverb says. For us,humans, fresh information allow us get more touch about what is happening outside. A man with fresh information will be more positive and talented to live in the world.

Secondly,as students in science and technology,it will also be cool to know about arts. Arts are the fruits of art masters,that will bring with their great ideas and spiritual wealth to next generations. Walk to arts will surely, helps us to embrace the beauty of life.

[tiny mushrooms, picture posted on today‘s Microsoft Bing ]

Finally, lifelong learning is a way to show our great humility. It reflects a kind of precious respect to life itself.Any individual could say they are a perfect person forever. Lifelong learning is a good way to keep optimizing ourself,for being a better person in the end.

Thank you

Best regard,

时间: 2025-01-14 21:19:38

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