Actor Model

The actor model in computer science is a mathematical(数学的) model of concurrent computation(计算) 

that treats "actors" as the universal primitives(通用原语) of concurrent computation: in response to a

message that it receives, an actor can make local decisions, create more actors, send more messages, and

determine how to respond to the next message received. The actor model originated in 1973. It has been

used both as a framework for a theoretical(理论) understanding of computation and as the theoretical

basis for several practical implementations of concurrent systems. The relationship of the model to other

work is discussed in Indeterminacy in concurrent computation and Actor model and process calculi.

The Actor Model provides a higher level of abstraction for writing concurrent and distributed systems. It alleviates

the developer from having to deal with explicit locking and thread management, making it easier to write correct

concurrent and parallel systems. Actors were defined in the 1973 paper by Carl Hewitt but have been popularized

by the Erlang language, and used for example at Ericsson with great success to build highly concurrent and reliable

telecom systems.

The API of Akka’s Actors is similar to Scala Actors which has borrowed some of its syntax from Erlang.

时间: 2024-11-11 01:38:50

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c# 初识Actor Model

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_timcharper1月 20 02:18 @timcharper , so what app the actor model can help, and what app the thread modle can help, could you please give me some advice? say, a heavy traffic app, for example a instant message server is ok using actor model, bussy log

ActorLite: 一个轻量级Actor模型实现

Actor模型 Actor模型为并行而生,具Wikipedia中的描述,它原本是为大量独立的微型处理器所构建的高性能网络而设计的模型.而目前,单台机器也有了多个独立的计算单元,这就是为什么在并行程序愈演愈烈的今天,Actor模型又重新回到了人们的视线之中了.Actor模型的理念非常简单:天下万物皆为Actor,Actor之间通过发送消息进行通信.Actor模型的执行方式有两个特点: 每个Actor,单线程地依次执行发送给它的消息. 不同的Actor可以同时执行它们的消息. 对于第1点至今还有一些


Akka -构建与JVM上的 高并发.分布式和可快速恢复的消息驱动应用的工具集        我们相信编写出正确的具有容错性和可扩展性的并发程序太困难了.这多数是因为我们使用了错误的工具和错误的抽象级别.Akka就是为了改变这种状况而生的.通过使用Actor模型我们提升了抽象级别,为构建正确的可扩展并发应用提供了一个更好的平台(工具). 那什么是 actor模型? (Actor model)是一种并发运算上的模型."参与者"是一种程序上的抽象概念,被视为并发运算的基本单元:当一个参与者

Akka 2 Actor 源码

Actor源码研究,先附上源码 // ...... object Actor {   /**    * Type alias representing a Receive-expression for Akka Actors.    */   //#receive   type Receive = PartialFunction[Any, Unit]   //#receive   /**    * emptyBehavior is a Receive-expression that matche