perl 多线程及信号控制

use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;

my $max_thread = 5;
my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new($max_thread);

sub TestFun

for(my $index = 1; $index <= 10; $index ++)
	my $thread = threads->create(\&TestFun);


<pre name="code" class="plain">sub WaitQuit
	my $num = 0;
	while($num < $max_thread)
		$num ++;

use warnings;
use strict;
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;

die "perl $0 <thread> <blastConfig> <pep || dna>
perl $0 3 blast.config dna\n" if @ARGV != 3;

my $max_thread = $ARGV[0];
my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new($max_thread);

mkdir "compliantFasta";
chdir "compliantFasta";

open FA, "../$ARGV[1]" or die $!;
	my @tmp = split;

	my $thread = threads->create(\&adjust, $tmp[0], $tmp[1]);


chdir "..";
my $len = 0;
my ($type, $p);
if($ARGV[2] =~ /dna/i)
	$len = 30;
	$type = "F";
	$p = "blastn";
}elsif($ARGV[2] =~ /pep/i){
	$len = 10;
	$type = "T";
	$p = "blastp";

`orthomclFilterFasta compliantFasta $len 20`;
`formatdb -i goodProteins.fasta -p $type`;
mkdir "splitBlast";
`perl goodProteins.fasta 8 splitBlast/blast`;
my @blast = `ls splitBlast/*`;
my $sp2 = Thread::Semaphore->new(8);
foreach my $i(@blast)
	my $thread = threads->create(\&blast, $i, $p, $ARGV[0]);


`cat splitBlast/*.out > all.blast`;
`orthomclBlastParser all.blast compliantFasta > similarSequences.txt`;
`rm all.blast -rf`;

sub blast
	my ($f, $t, $p) = @_;
	`blastall -p $t -i $f -d goodProteins.fasta -m 8 -F F -b 1000 -v 1000 -a $p -o $f.out`;

sub wait2
	my $num = 0;
	while($num < 8)
		$num ++;

sub adjust
	my ($label, $path) = @_;
	`orthomclAdjustFasta $label $path 1`;

sub wait
	my $num = 0;
	while($num < $max_thread)
		$num ++;
时间: 2024-08-27 23:56:34

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使用信号控制进程 kill(只能跟PID或JOB ID),killall(name),pgrep,pkill,top给进程发送信号[[email protected] ~]# kill -l //列出所有支持的信号编号 信号名1) SIGHUP 重新加载配置 PID 不变2) SIGINT 键盘中断^C3) SIGQUIT 键盘退出9) SIGKILL 强制终止15) SIGTERM 终止(正常结束),缺省信号,允许去释放资源18) SIGCONT 继续19) SIGSTOP 停止20)SIGT


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