[HOWTO] Install Sphinx for A Script Pro


Here‘s a small howto on installing Sphinx Search (http://sphinxsearch.com/) and configuring it to work with Adult Script Pro. By using sphinx
you will be able to allow users to search for video on your adult tube site by title, description and tags. The search results will be automatically
ordered by relevance (its almost the same as using mysql MATCH_AGAINST, but faster and it can support even 1.000.000 videos).

You will need ssh root access. The installation itself is quite easy, depending on your distribution:

Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu 10.10):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sphinxsearch

CentOs (tested on 5.4):

yum install sphinx

Configuring sphinx si also straight forward, all you need to do is edit the sphinx configuration file and add:

source videos
        type        = mysql
    sql_host    = localhost
    sql_user    = mysql-username
    sql_pass    = mysql-password
    sql_db      = mysql-database
    sql_sock    = /var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock (this depends on your server)
    sql_port    = 3306

    sql_query_pre       = SET NAMES utf8
    sql_query           =         SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.description, v.mobile, v.add_time,          v.rating, v.total_views, v.duration, v.video_id AS video, \ #added in RC4
         GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.name SEPARATOR ‘ ‘) AS tags         FROM video AS v         LEFT JOIN video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)         WHERE v.status = 1         GROUP BY v.video_id

        sql_attr_uint           = video #added in RC4
        sql_attr_uint           = mobile
        sql_attr_uint           = total_views
        sql_attr_float          = duration
        sql_attr_float          = rating
        sql_attr_timestamp  = add_time
        sql_attr_multi          = uint categories FROM query; SELECT video_id, cat_id FROM video_category
        sql_query_info          = SELECT video_id, add_date FROM video WHERE video_id=$id

index videos
    source          = videos
    path            = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/videos (this depends on your distribution)
        charset_type    = utf-8
        min_prefix_len  = 3
        enable_star     = 1

        port            = 3312
        log                     = /var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.log (this depends on your distribution)
        query_log       = /var/log/sphinxsearch/query.log (this depends on your distribution)
        pid_file        = /var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.pid (this depends on your distribution)

The sphinx data and log folders might depend on your distribution.

After this you need to create the initial index with the following command:

indexer --all --config /path/to/your/sphinx/configuration/file.conf

You will also need to create a cron file and place it into the /etc/cron.hourly (or add it to cron from cpanel or console). The script
should be named sphinx and chmoded to 755, with the following contents:

/usr/bin/indexer --all --rotate --config /path/to/your/sphinx/configuration/file.conf

Thats it :-)

If you dont have the time do the installation yourself, or you dont like the linux console, just drop us a email and we can do the installation
for 49$.

source videos
        type        = mysql
    sql_host    = localhost
    sql_user    = mysql-username
    sql_pass    = mysql-password
    sql_db      = mysql-database
    sql_sock    = /var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock (this depends on your server)
    sql_port    = 3306

    sql_query_pre       = SET NAMES utf8
    sql_query           =         SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.description, v.mobile, v.add_time,          v.rating, v.total_views, v.duration,          GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.name SEPARATOR ‘ ‘) AS tags         FROM video AS v         LEFT JOIN video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)         AND v.status = 1         GROUP BY v.video_id

        sql_attr_uint           = mobile
        sql_attr_uint           = total_views
        sql_attr_float          = duration
        sql_attr_float          = rating
        sql_attr_timestamp  = add_time
        sql_attr_multi          = uint categories FROM query; SELECT video_id, cat_id FROM video_category
        sql_query_info          = SELECT video_id, add_date FROM video WHERE video_id=$id

index videos
    source          = videos
    path            = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/videos (this depends on your distribution)
        charset_type    = utf-8
        min_prefix_len  = 3
        enable_star     = 1

        port            = 3312
        log                     = /var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.log (this depends on your distribution)
        query_log       = /var/log/sphinxsearch/query.log (this depends on your distribution)
        pid_file        = /var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.pid (this depends on your distribution)
时间: 2024-08-03 14:26:11

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1. 安装pip $ sudo apt-get install python-pip 2. 安装全文本浏览器lynx $ sudo apt-get install lynx 3. 使用pip安装sphinx $ pip install sphinx 4. sphinx-quickstart可以快速新建一个新的文档记录 $ sphinx-quickstart 5. 对于某些从网上下载的文档源码,只需要找到conf.py所在的目录,比如source,在里面使用如下的命令即可. $ sphinx-bu