Too many arguments to function call ,expected 0,have3

使用MJRefresh上拉加载,下拉刷新时,导入包后,编译出现:Too many arguments to function call ,expected 0,have3


Build Setting--> Apple LLVM 6.0 - Preprocessing--> Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls  将YES 改为 NO

时间: 2024-08-08 13:53:48

Too many arguments to function call ,expected 0,have3的相关文章

编绎报错,解决方法objc_msgSend too many arguments to function call,expected 0, have3 (转)

  编绎报错,objc_msgSend too many arguments to function call,expected 0, have3 解决方法:  

objc_msgSend()报错Too many arguments to function call ,expected 0,have3

转载 Build Setting--> Apple LLVM 6.0 - Preprocessing--> Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls  改为 NO

Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 5

报错位置 SDWebImage里面一些类的方法 objc_msgSend(delegate, @selector(webImageManager:didFinishWithImage:forURL:), self, image, url); 报错内容 ......SDWebImage/SDWebImageManager.m:246:22: Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 5 解决方法 选Build Settings,将

xcode6 使用MJRefresh,Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have *

转载自: 将XCode升级到6后,报Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have *,在XCode5.1里能编译通过的,到xcode6就报错 objc_msgSend(self.beginRefreshingTaget, self.beginRefreshingAction, self); Too many arguments

Too many arguments to function call, expected 0....

错误代码: objc_msgSend(self.beginRefreshingTaget, self.beginRefreshingAction, self); 解决方案:选中项目 - Project - Build Settings - ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND  将其设置为 NO

Error Code: 1318. Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE student.new_procedure; expected 0, got

1.错误描述 13:58:20 call new_procedure('2000','zhangsan') Error Code: 1318. Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE student.new_procedure; expected 0, got 2 0.000 sec 2.错误原因 CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `new_procedure`() BEGIN set @a=1

yaffs2 源码错误 too few arguments to function 'yaffs_flush_file' 2014.10.11

来自: yaffs2 源码错误 错误: 2014-08-06 Charles Mannin 版本的 yaffs 有误! yaffs_flush_file的定义: source file :yaffs_guts.c [cpp] view plaincopyprint? int yaffs_flush_file(struct yaffs_obj *in, int update_time,

netlink error: too many arguments to function 'netlink_kernel_create'

2.6版本的 netlink_kernel_create(&init_net, NETLINK_TEST, 0, NULL, kernel_receive ,THIS_MODULE); 3.8后版本 netlink_kernel_create(&init_net, NETLINK_TEST, &cfg); cfg 的定义如下. struct netlink_kernel_cfg cfg = { .input = kernel_receive }; netlink error: to

keyword (this and arguments) in function --- 设计递归

arguments 就像一个数组一样,包含了传递给这个函数的参数 , 以上部分为this的介绍,注意arguments.callee  属性 ,可用于递归调用,其代表的是  : 当前正在运行函数的引用  , 用法 如下 arguments.length 返回的是 传递给这个函数参数的数量 keyword (this and arguments) in function --- 设计递归