-module(ranch). %...... 省略若干行 -spec start_listener(ref(), non_neg_integer(), module(), any(), module(), any()) -> supervisor:startchild_ret(). start_listener(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts) when is_integer(NbAcceptors) andalso is_atom(Transport) andalso is_atom(Protocol) -> _ = code:ensure_loaded(Transport), %% @todo Remove in Ranch 2.0 and simply require ssl. _ = ensure_ssl(Transport), case erlang:function_exported(Transport, name, 0) of false -> {error, badarg}; true -> Res = supervisor:start_child(ranch_sup, child_spec(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts)), Socket = proplists:get_value(socket, TransOpts), case Res of {ok, Pid} when Socket =/= undefined -> %% Give ownership of the socket to ranch_acceptors_sup %% to make sure the socket stays open as long as the %% listener is alive. If the socket closes however there %% will be no way to recover because we don‘t know how %% to open it again. Children = supervisor:which_children(Pid), {_, AcceptorsSup, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, Children), %%% Note: the catch is here because SSL crashes when you change %%% the controlling process of a listen socket because of a bug. %%% The bug will be fixed in R16. catch Transport:controlling_process(Socket, AcceptorsSup); _ -> ok end, Res end. %...... 省略若干行 -spec child_spec(ref(), non_neg_integer(), module(), any(), module(), any()) -> supervisor:child_spec(). child_spec(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts) when is_integer(NbAcceptors) andalso is_atom(Transport) andalso is_atom(Protocol) -> %% @todo Remove in Ranch 2.0 and simply require ssl. _ = ensure_ssl(Transport), {{ranch_listener_sup, Ref}, {ranch_listener_sup, start_link, [ Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts ]}, permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ranch_listener_sup]}. %...... 省略若干行
时间: 2025-01-16 23:12:37