Coursera Algorithms week3 快速排序 练习测验: Selection in two sorted arrays(从两个有序数组中寻找第K大元素)


Selection in two sorted arrays. Given two sorted arrays a[] and b[], of sizes n1 and n2, respectively, design an algorithm to find the kth largest key. The order  of growth of the worst case running time of your algorithm should be logn, where n = n1 + n2.

Version 1 : n1 = n2 and k = n/2

Version 2: k = n/2

Version 3: no restrictions




 1 package week3;
 3 import java.util.Arrays;
 4 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;
 6 public class KthInTwoSortedArrays {
 7     /**
 8      * 寻找第K大元素
 9      * @param a 数组a
10      * @param alo a的查找区间下界
11      * @param ahi a的查找区间上界
12      * @param b 数组b
13      * @param blo b的查找区间下界
14      * @param bhi b的查找区间上界
15      * @param k 当前查找区间的第k大元素
16      * @return
17      */
18     private static int find(int[] a, int alo, int ahi,int[] b, int blo, int bhi, int k){
19         if(alo > ahi) return b[bhi-k+1];
20         if(blo > bhi) return a[ahi-k+1];
21         if(k==1) return a[ahi] > b[bhi]? a[ahi]:b[bhi];
22         //直接用bhi-(k-1)/2或ahi-(k-1)/2进行查找可能会将第K个元素给漏掉
23         int bt = bhi-(k-1)/2 > blo ? bhi-(k-1)/2:blo;
24         int at = ahi-(k-1)/2 > alo ? ahi-(k-1)/2:alo;
25         if(a[at] >= b[bt])
26             return find(a,alo,at-1,b,blo,bhi,k-(ahi-at+1));
27         else
28             return find(a,alo,ahi,b,blo,bt-1,k-(bhi-bt+1));
29     }
31     public static void main(String[] args){
32         int n = 10;
33         int n1 = StdRandom.uniform(n);
34         int n2 = n-n1;
35         int[] a = new int[n1];
36         int[] b = new int[n2];
37         for(int i=0;i<n1;i++){
38             a[i] = StdRandom.uniform(100);
39         }
40         for(int i=0;i<n2;i++){
41             b[i] = StdRandom.uniform(100);
42         }
43         Arrays.sort(a);
44         Arrays.sort(b);
45         System.out.println("a="+Arrays.toString(a));
46         System.out.println("b="+Arrays.toString(b));
47         int[] c = new int[n];
48         int i = 0;
49         int j = 0;
50         int l = 0;
51         while(l<n){
52             if(i>=n1) c[l++] = b[j++];
53             else if(j>=n2) c[l++] = a[i++];
54             else{
55                 if(a[i] <= b[j])
56                     c[l++] = a[i++];
57                 else
58                     c[l++] = b[j++];
59             }
61         }
62         System.out.println("c="+Arrays.toString(c));
64         int k =StdRandom.uniform(1,n);
65         int largestK = find(a,0,n1-1,b,0,n2-1,k);
66         System.out.println("第"+k+"大元素是:"+largestK);
67     }
68 }
时间: 2024-12-22 03:23:33

Coursera Algorithms week3 快速排序 练习测验: Selection in two sorted arrays(从两个有序数组中寻找第K大元素)的相关文章

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