
每次用FTP登录,空间总是产生很多形如:  gs_tmp_tz.***.** 的文件,感觉太凌乱。


gs_tmp_tz... is the temporary timezone detection file.


gs_tmp_tz is the temporary time zone detection file. The only reason you should ever see this file on the server is if CuteFTP was able to upload it, but unable to delete
it. The most likely reason this might happen is if you have upload permissions, but not delete permissions to the default folder. (You might be able to prevent this problem by changing the default remote folder to one for which you have upload and delete permissions.)
A less likely reason is that the server created the temporary file for the upload, but returned an error response for the upload.

If CuteFTP is enabled to automatically detect the time zone of a server, when you log into the server, CuteFTP will perform a series of actions to try to detect the time zone offset:

  1. Look at the local system time.
  2. Attempt to upload this temporary file (gs_tmp_tz).
  3. If the upload was successful, look at the server-modified time stamp for the uploaded temporary file.
  4. Attempt to delete the temporary file (if the upload was successful).

The difference in the local time and the remote time stamp allows CuteFTP to know what the time zone offset is so that it can tell whether files on the server are older than or newer than
local files. It is important to know the correct time zone offset if you want to use the Smart Overwrite or folder synchronization features; otherwise the wrong files might be overwritten.

You can turn off the automatic detection of the server‘s time zone, which will prevent this file from being created.

To turn off automatic detection of the server‘s time zone

  1. Open the Site Manager.

    • In Cute FTP Pro: Right-click the site, then click Properties.
    • In CuteFTP Home: Click the site.

      The Site Properties appear.
  2. Click the Type tab.

  3. In the Server time zone area, clear the Automatically detect check box.
  4. If necessary, set the time zone offset for the server. Click the down arrow and then select the time zone of the server.
  5. Click ConnectOK, or Exit (depending on your need and the version of CuteFTP).

OK, 以上设置后,完美解决现有问题。


时间: 2024-08-02 15:12:51



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java读文件*; public abstract class Reader implements Readable,Closeable{}     public class BufferedReader extends Reader{         public BufferedReader(Reader in);创建一个使用默认大小输入缓冲区的缓冲字符输入流.         public BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz);创建一个使用指定大小输入缓冲区


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在有的电脑没有"上传文件"的按钮? 第一步:首先检查浏览器设置. 第二步:找到IE的Internet选项菜单,开启菜单栏的根据下列方面找,如下图: 第三步:找到Internet选项后,点击,选择安全选项卡,并点击"自定义级别" 第四步:找到"将文件上载到服务器时包含本地目录路径"选择"启用".然后点击确定关闭IE,重启打开. 第五步:更新浏览器的flash版本.在百度中搜索"flash player官网"即