北大OJ_1007题:DNA Sorting




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

struct tagString
	int nInvertedCount;
	string strSequence;

int main()
	deque<tagString> mStrList;
	tagString mTagString;
	short n,m;
	cin >> n >> m;
	while( m > 0 )
		cin >> mTagString.strSequence;
		int nInvertedCount = 0;
		for( string::size_type i = 0; i < mTagString.strSequence.size() - 1; ++i )
			for( string::size_type j = i + 1; j < mTagString.strSequence.size(); ++j )
				if ( mTagString.strSequence[i] > mTagString.strSequence[j] )

		mTagString.nInvertedCount = nInvertedCount;
		if ( mStrList.empty() )
			mStrList.push_back( mTagString );
			int i = mStrList.size()-1;
			for ( ; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( mStrList[i].nInvertedCount > nInvertedCount )
			mStrList.insert( mStrList.begin() + (i + 1), mTagString );


	for ( deque<tagString>::size_type i = 0; i < mStrList.size(); ++i )
		cout << mStrList[i].strSequence << endl;

	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int Merge( string& strSrc, int low, int mid, int high )
	int i = low;
	int j = mid + 1;
	int nCount = 0;
	string strTemp( high - low + 1, 0 );
	int k = 0;

	while( i <= mid && j <= high )
		if ( strSrc[i] <= strSrc[j] )
			strTemp[k++] = strSrc[i++];
			strTemp[k++] = strSrc[j++];
			nCount += j - k - low;

	while( i <= mid )
		strTemp[k++] = strSrc[i++];
	while( j <= high )
		strTemp[k++] = strSrc[j++];

	for ( k = 0; k < (high-low+1); ++k )
		strSrc[low+k] = strTemp[k];

	return nCount;

int MergeSort( string& strSrc, int low, int high )
	int nCount = 0;
	if ( low < high )
		int mid = ( low + high ) / 2;
		nCount += MergeSort( strSrc, low, mid );
		nCount += MergeSort( strSrc, mid + 1, high );
		nCount += Merge( strSrc, low, mid, high );

	return nCount;

struct tagString
	int nInvertedCount;
	string strSequence;

int main()
	deque<tagString> mStrList;
	tagString mTagString;
	short n,m;
	cin >> n >> m;
	while( m > 0 )
		cin >> mTagString.strSequence;
		string strTemp = mTagString.strSequence;
		mTagString.nInvertedCount = MergeSort( strTemp, 0, strTemp.size()-1 );
		if ( mStrList.empty() )
			mStrList.push_back( mTagString );
			int i = mStrList.size()-1;
			for ( ; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( mStrList[i].nInvertedCount > mTagString.nInvertedCount )
			mStrList.insert( mStrList.begin() + (i + 1), mTagString );


	for ( deque<tagString>::size_type i = 0; i < mStrList.size(); ++i )
		cout << mStrList[i].strSequence << endl;

	return 0;





时间: 2024-08-01 22:34:42

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