HDU 4708 Rotation Lock Puzzle



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 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<algorithm>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 long long  a[15][15];
 6 long long step,ans;
 7 void solve1(int t,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3,int x4,int y4)
 8 {
 9     int i;
10     long long w;
11     t = t-1;//范围想错了,wa到比赛结束还不对,唉
12     for(i=0;i<t;i++)
13     {
14         w = a[x1][y1] + a[x2][y2]+a[x3][y3]+a[x4][y4];
15         y1++;
16         x2++;
17         y3--;
18         x4--;
19             if(w>ans)
20             {
21              ans = w;
22              step = i;
23             }
24      }
25 }
26 void solve2(int t,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3,int x4,int y4)
27 {
28     int i;
29     t =t-1;
30     long long w;
31     for(i=0;i<t;i++)
32     {
33         w = a[x1][y1] + a[x2][y2]+a[x3][y3]+a[x4][y4];
34         x1++;
35         y2--;
36         x3--;
37         y4++;
38             if(w>=ans)
39             {
40               ans = w;
41               if(step>i)
42                  step=i;
43             }
44      }
45 }
46 int main()
47 {
48     int T;
49     long long ss,aa;
50     while(scanf("%d",&T) && T)
51     {
52         ss = 0;aa = 0;
53         for(int i=1;i<=T;i++)
54             for(int j=1;j<=T;j++)
55                scanf("%lld",&a[i][j]);
56         int mid1 = (T+1)/2;
57         for(int i=3,k=1;i<=T;i=i+2,k++)
58         {
59             step = 0;ans = 0;
60             solve1(i,mid1 - k,mid1-k,mid1-k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1-k);//顺时针
61             solve2(i,mid1 - k,mid1-k,mid1-k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1+k,mid1-k);//逆时针
62             ss= ss +step;
63             aa = ans+aa;
64         }
65    printf("%lld %lld\n",aa+a[mid1][mid1],ss);
66     }
67     return 0;
68 }
时间: 2024-12-10 04:17:57

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