Haproxy报ip address associated with VRID not present in received packet


May 23 13:48:45 mcu Keepalived_vrrp[20755]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) ignoring received advertisment...
May 23 13:48:52 mcuKeepalived_vrrp[20755]: ip address associated with VRID not present in received packet :
May 23 13:48:52 mcu Keepalived_vrrp[20755]: one or more VIP associated with VRID mismatch actual MASTER advert


修改keepalived配置文件中的virtual_router_id,因为同一集群的keepalived的主、备机的virtual_router_id 必须相同,取值0-255 但是同一内网中不应有相同virtual_router_id的集群。

时间: 2024-12-07 13:20:25

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