Mybatis 报错 There is no getter for property named '***' in 'class java.lang.String'

在mapper.xml中 , 如果单参数是String类型 , 且在sql语句中对参数进行了判断 , 如下 when 中的判断 , 如果出现 if 判断也是一样的。都需要把判断中的参数用 _parameter 来代替 ,。

另外orcal中判断字段是否为空需要使用 is null , 同理,判断不为空使用 is not null 。


<select id = "select"  resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="String">     select         name,code,parent,level    from         table    <where>        <choose>            <when test="code != null and code !=‘‘">                    and code = #{code}            </when>            <otherwise>                    and code is null            </otherwise>        </choose>    </where></select>


<select id = "select"  resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="String">     select         name,code,parent,level    from         table    <where>        <choose>            <when test="_parameter !=null and _parameter !=‘‘">                    and code = #{code}            </when>            <otherwise>                    and code is null            </otherwise>        </choose>    </where></select>

Mybatis 报错 There is no getter for property named '***' in 'class java.lang.String'

时间: 2024-12-13 18:33:39

Mybatis 报错 There is no getter for property named '***' in 'class java.lang.String'的相关文章

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There is no getter for property named in &#39;class java.lang.String&#39;

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