TCP 、UDP网络编程作业代写、代写C 语言 TCP程序 Network Programming using C

TCP 、UDP网络编程作业代写、代写C 语言 TCP程序
Network Programming using C
? This homework is due by 11:59:59 PM on Thursday, April 26, 2018.
? This homework will count as 8% of your final course grade.
? This homework is to be completed individually. Do not share your code with anyone else.
? You must use C for this homework assignment, and your code must successfully compile
via gcc with absolutely no warning messages when the -Wall (i.e., warn all) compiler option
is used. We will also use -Werror, which will treat all warnings as critical errors.
? Your code must successfully compile and run on Submitty, which uses Ubuntu v16.04.3 LTS.
Note that the gcc compiler is version 5.4.0 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.5).
? If you decide to use a multi-threaded approach, to compile your code, use -pthread to include
the Pthread library.
Homework Specifications
In this fourth and final homework assignment, you will use C to write server code to implement
a chat server using sockets. Clients will be able to send and receive short text messages from one
another. Further, clients will also be able to send and receive files, including both text and binary
files (e.g., images). Note that all communication between clients must be sent via your server.
Clients communicate with your server via TCP or UDP. For TCP, clients connect via a specific TCP
port number (i.e., the listener port); this TCP port number is the first command-line argument to
your server. For UDP, clients send datagram(s) to a specific UDP port number; this UDP port
number is the second command-line argument to your server (and could be the same port number
as the TCP listener).
Your server must not be a single-threaded iterative server. Instead, your server must use either
multiple threads or multiple child processes to handle TCP connections. Your choice! Further, to
support both TCP and UDP at the same time, you must use the select() system call to poll for
incoming TCP connections and UDP datagrams.
As with previous assignments, your server must be parallelized to the extent possible. As such, be
sure you handle all potential synchronization issues.
Note that your server must support clients implemented in any language (e.g., Java, C, Python,
Fortran, etc.); therefore, only handle streams of bytes as opposed to language-specific structures.
And though you will only submit your server code for this assignment, plan to create one or more
test clients. Test clients will not be provided, but feel free to share test clients with others via
Piazza. Also note that you should use netcat to test your server; do not use telnet.
Supporting TCP and UDP
To provide flexibility to clients, clients can either establish a connection via TCP or simply
send/receive datagrams via UDP. Your server must support at least 32 concurrently connected
clients (i.e., TCP connections, with each connection corresponding to a child thread or a child
process). Overall, your server must support at least 64 active users at any given time.
For TCP, use a dedicated child process or child thread to handle each TCP connection. In other
words, after the accept() call, immediately create a child process or child thread to handle that
connection, thereby enabling the parent process or thread to loop back around and call select()
Since UDP is connectionless, for UDP, use an iterative approach (i.e., handle incoming UDP datagrams
in the parent process or main thread, then loop back around to the select() system call).
Application-Layer Protocol
The application-layer protocol between client and server is a line-based protocol. Streams of bytes
(i.e., characters) are transmitted between clients and your server. Note that all commands are
specified in upper-case and end with a newline (‘\n‘) character. In general, when the server
receives a request, it responds with either a three-byte “OK\n” response or an error. When an error
occurs, the server must respond with:
ERROR <error-message>\n
For any error message not specified below, use a short human-readable description matching the
simple format shown above. Expect clients to display these error messages directly to users.
Regardless of whether a client uses TCP or UDP, a user must first log in (though authentication is
not required). A user identifies itself as follows:
LOGIN <userid>
Note that a valid <userid> is a string of alphanumeric characters with a length in the range [3,20].
Upon receiving a LOGIN request, if successful, the server responds by sending the three-byte “OK\n”
string. If instead the given <userid> is already connected via TCP, the server responds with an
<error-message> of “Already connected” (only for TCP). Otherwise, if <userid> is invalid, the
server responds with an <error-message> of “Invalid userid” (for TCP and UDP).
A user may send a WHO request to obtain a list of all users currently active within the chat server.
When your server receives this request, in addition to sending “OK\n” to the client, the response
should consist of an ASCII-based sorted list of all users, with users delimited by newline (‘\n‘)
As an example, the server may respond with the following:
A user may send a LOGOUT request to ensure the server marks the user as being completely logged
out and inactive. Note that this is recommended but not required for TCP, since the client can
simply close its connection to indicate it is logging out.
For UDP, if a LOGOUT is not sent, the given user is assumed to still be logged in until a new LOGIN
request is received for that given user.
When a LOGOUT command is sent, the server is required to send an “OK\n” response.
A user may attempt to send a private message to another user via the SEND command. The required
format of the SEND command is as follows:
SEND <recipient-userid> <msglen> <message>
To be a valid SEND request, the <recipient-userid> must be a currently active user and the
<msglen> (i.e., length of the <message> portion) must be an integer in the range [1,994].
Note that the <message> can contain any bytes whatsoever. You may assume that the number of
bytes will always match the given <msglen> value.
If the request is valid, the server responds by sending an “OK\n” response. Further, the server
attempts to send the message to the <recipient-userid> by sending either a datagram (UDP) or
packet (TCP) using the following format:
FROM <sender-userid> <msglen> <message>
If the request is invalid, send the appropriate error message from among the following:
? “Unknown userid”
? “Invalid msglen”
? “Invalid SEND format”
If a user wishes to send a message to all active users, the BROADCAST command can be used. The
format of this command is as follows:
BROADCAST <msglen> <message>
The <msglen> and <message> parameters match that of the SEND command above.
If a user wishes to share a file with another user, the SHARE command is sent by the client by first
sending the command request as follows:
SHARE <recipient-userid> <filelen>
After receiving the “OK\n” response, the client sends the file (of length <filelen> byte) in 1024-byte
chunks (i.e., send() or sendto() calls using a 1024-byte buffer). Each chunk must be acknowledged
by the server with a three-byte “OK\n” response. And only the last chunk sent can be less than
1024 bytes.
The server subsequently sends the SHARE command to the <recipient-userid> in the same manner,
though the recipient client does not send acknowledgement “OK\n” messages back to the
server. Further, as with the SEND command, the format of the SHARE command sent to the
<recipient-userid> is as follows:
SHARE <sender-userid> <filelen>
Note that the SHARE command is only available if both users (i.e., sender and recipient) are connected
via TCP. If this is not the case, send the appropriate error message from among the following:
? “SHARE not supported over UDP”
? “SHARE not supported because recipient is using UDP”
Text versus Binary Files
All regular files must be supported, meaning that both text and binary (e.g., image) files must be
supported. To achieve this, be sure you do not assume that files consist of strings; in other words,
do not use string functions that rely on the ‘\0‘ character. Instead, rely on specific byte counts.
As noted above, you can assume that the correct number of bytes will be sent and received by
client and server. In practice, this is not a safe assumption, but it should greatly simplify your
Required Output
Your server is required to output one or more lines describing each request that it receives. Required
output is illustrated in the example below.
Since you are required to use either child processes or child threads, the child IDs shown in the
examples are either thread IDs or process IDs. And as per usual, output lines may be interleaved
as multiple clients interact with the server simultaneously.
bash$ ./a.out 9876 9889
MAIN: Started server
MAIN: Listening for TCP connections on port: 9876
MAIN: Listening for UDP datagrams on port: 9889
MAIN: Rcvd incoming UDP datagram from: <client-IP-address>
MAIN: Rcvd LOGIN request for userid Rick
MAIN: Rcvd incoming TCP connection from: <client-IP-address>
CHILD 13455: Rcvd LOGIN request for userid Morty
CHILD 13455: Rcvd WHO request
CHILD 13455: Rcvd SEND request to userid Rick
CHILD 13455: Rcvd SEND request to userid Summer
CHILD 13455: Sent ERROR (Unknown userid)
CHILD 13455: Rcvd WHO request
CHILD 13455: Rcvd SHARE request
CHILD 13455: Rcvd LOGOUT request
CHILD 13455: Client disconnected
MAIN: Rcvd incoming TCP connection from: <client-IP-address>
CHILD 19232: Rcvd LOGIN request for userid Rick
CHILD 19232: Rcvd WHO request
CHILD 19232: Rcvd SEND request to userid Rick
CHILD 19232: Rcvd SEND request to userid Rick
CHILD 19232: Rcvd SEND request to userid Morty
MAIN: Rcvd incoming UDP datagram from: <client-IP-address>
MAIN: Rcvd LOGIN request for userid Rick
MAIN: Sent ERROR (Already connected)
CHILD 19232: Rcvd SEND request to userid Morty
CHILD 19232: Rcvd BROADCAST request
CHILD 19232: Client disconnected
Note that the required output above certainly differs from the specific data sent and received via the
application-layer protocol. On Submitty, test clients will connect to your server and test whether
you have correctly implemented all aspects of the application-layer protocol.
Handling System Call Errors
In general, if a system call fails, use perror() to display the appropriate error message on stderr,
then exit the program and return EXIT_FAILURE. If a system or library call does not set the
global errno, use fprintf() instead of perror() to write an error message to stderr. See the
various examples on the course website and corresponding man pages.
Error messages must be one line only and use one of the appropriate formats shown below:
MAIN: ERROR <error-text-here>
CHILD 17552: ERROR <error-text-here>
Submission Instructions
To submit your assignment (and also perform final testing of your code), please use Submitty, the
homework submission server. The specific URL is on the course website. As described above, please
only submit server code. Do not submit any client code.
Note that this assignment will be available on Submitty a few days before the due date. Please
do not ask on Piazza when Submitty will be available, as you should perform adequate testing on
your own Ubuntu platform.
That said, to make sure that your program does execute properly everywhere, including Submitty,
use the techniques below.
First, as discussed in class (on 1/18), output to standard output (stdout) is buffered. To ensure
buffered output is properly flushed to a file for grading on Submitty, use fflush() after every set
of printf() statements, as follows:
printf( ... ); /* print something out to stdout */
fflush( stdout ); /* make sure that the output is sent to a */
/* redirected output file, if specified */
Second, also discussed in class (on 1/18), use the DEBUG_MODE technique to make sure you do not
submit any debugging code. Here is an example:
printf( "the value of x is %d\n", x );
printf( "the value of q is %d\n", q );
printf( "why is my program crashing here?!" );
fflush( stdout );
And to compile this code in “debug” mode, use the -D flag as follows:
bash$ gcc -Wall -Werror -D DEBUG_MODE homework4.c -pthread


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时间: 2024-08-15 03:36:29

TCP 、UDP网络编程作业代写、代写C 语言 TCP程序 Network Programming using C的相关文章


一.TCP编程的一般步骤 服务器端: 1.创建一个socket,用函数socket() 2.绑定IP地址.端口等信息到socket上,用函数bind() 3.开启监听,用函数listen() 4.接收客户端上来的连接,用函数accept() 5.收发数据,用函数send()和recv(),或者read()和write() 6.关闭网络连接 7.关闭监听 客户端: 1.创建一个socket,用函数socket() 2.设置要连接的对方IP地址和端口等属性 3.连接服务器,用函数connect()


socket通讯 网络字节序 小端法: 高位存高地址,低位存低地址. (intel架构的存储方式) 大端法:高位存低地址,低位存高地址.(网络传输的方式) #include <arpa/inet.h> // 将本地转网络,转IP 转192.168.1.11->string->atoi->int->htonl->网络字节序,可以使用 int inet_pton(); 进行直接转换 uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong); // 本地转网络


题目:编写一个TCP通信的程序. 实现代码: #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <string.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define PORT 0xaaaa // 服务端 void start

TCP/IP 网络编程 (抄书笔记 2) -- UDP

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本篇文章简单描述了UDP传输协议的工作原理及特点. 理解UDP UDP和TCP一样同属于TCP/IP协议栈的第二层,即传输层. UDP套接字的特点 UDP的工作方式类似于传统的信件邮寄过程.寄信前应先在信封上填好寄信人和收信人的地址,之后贴上邮票放进邮筒即可.当然信件邮寄过程可能会发生丢失,我们也无法随时知晓对方是否已收到信件.也就是说信件是一种不可靠的传输方式,同样的,UDP所提供的也是一种不可靠的数据传输方式(以信件类比UDP只是通信形式上一致性,之前也以电话通信的方式类比了TCP的通信方式

Java TCP/UDP socket 编程流程总结

最近正好学习了一点用java socket编程的东西.感觉整体的流程虽然不是很繁琐,但是也值得好好总结一下. Socket Socket可以说是一种针对网络的抽象,应用通过它可以来针对网络读写数据.就像通过一个文件的file handler就可以都写数据到存储设备上一样.根据TCP协议和UDP协议的不同,在网络编程方面就有面向两个协议的不同socket,一个是面向字节流的一个是面向报文的. 对socket的本身组成倒是比较好理解.既然是应用通过socket通信,肯定就有一个服务器端和一个客户端.


脑残式网络编程入门(一):跟着动画来学TCP三次握手和四次挥手 1.引言 网络编程中TCP协议的三次握手和四次挥手的问题,在面试中是最为常见的知识点之一.很多读者都知道"三次"和"四次",但是如果问深入一点,他们往往都无法作出准确回答. 本篇文章尝试使用动画图片的方式,来对这个知识点进行"脑残式"讲解(哈哈),期望读者们可以更加简单.直观地理解TCP网络通信交互的本

TCP/IP 网络编程 (抄书笔记 1) -- TCP

TCP/IP 网络编程 (抄书笔记 1) – TCP TCP/IP 网络编程 (抄书笔记 1) – TCP Table of Contents server client 更好的 client 端实现 来源: <TCP/IP 网络编程> 抄书: 通信的双方都各自 拥有 输入缓存和输出缓存 socket 的 write 函数并不是立即传输数据, 而是写到输出缓存区, 到达另一端的输入缓存区 socket 的 read 函数调用的瞬间, 就从输入缓存区中读取数据 TCP 协议中的滑动窗口会保证 数


<TCP/IP网络编程> 基本信息 作者: (韩)尹圣雨 译者: 金国哲 丛书名: 图灵程序设计丛书 出版社:人民邮电出版社 ISBN:9787115358851 上架时间:2014-6-19 出版日期:2014 年6月 开本:16开 页码:1 版次:1-1 所属分类:计算机 > 计算机网络 > 网络协议 > TCP/IP 更多关于>>><TCP/IP网络编程> 编辑推荐 为初学者准备的网络编程 本书涵盖操作系统.系统编程.TCP/IP协议等多种