
# drawtree.py

from turtle import Turtle, mainloop

def tree(plist, l, a, f):
""" plist is list of pens
l is length of branch
a is half of the angle between 2 branches
f is factor by which branch is shortened
from level to level."""
if l > 5: #
lst = []
for p in plist:
p.forward(l)#沿着当前的方向画画Move the turtle forward by the specified distance, in the direction the turtle is headed.
q = p.clone()#Create and return a clone of the turtle with same position, heading and turtle properties.
p.left(a) #Turn turtle left by angle units
q.right(a)# turn turtle right by angle units, nits are by default degrees, but can be set via the degrees() and radians() functions.
tree(lst, l*f, a, f)

def main():
p = Turtle()
p.hideturtle() #Make the turtle invisible. It’s a good idea to do this while you’re in the middle of doing some complex drawing,
#because hiding the turtle speeds up the drawing observably.
# p.getscreen().tracer(1,0)#Return the TurtleScreen object the turtle is drawing on.
#TurtleScreen methods can then be called for that object.
p.left(90)# Turn turtle left by angle units. direction 调整画笔

p.penup() #Pull the pen up – no drawing when moving.
p.goto(0,-200)#Move turtle to an absolute position. If the pen is down, draw line. Do not change the turtle’s orientation.
p.pendown()# Pull the pen down – drawing when moving. 这三条语句是一个组合相当于先把笔收起来再移动到指定位置,再把笔放下开始画

#t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)
t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)



时间: 2024-07-30 19:23:28



如下图小猪佩奇: 要求使用turtle画小猪佩奇: 源码: # encoding=utf-8 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 使用turtle画小猪佩奇 from turtle import* def nose(x,y):#鼻子 penup()#提起笔 goto(x,y)#定位 pendown()#落笔,开始画 setheading(-30)#将乌龟的方向设置为to_angle/为数字(0-东.90-北.180-西.270-南) begin_fill()#准备开始填充图形 a

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int access(const char *filenpath, int mode); 功 能: 确定文件或文件夹的访问权限. mode,要判断的模式 在头文件unistd.h中的预定义如下: #define R_OK 4 /* Test for read permission. */ #define W_OK 2 /* Test for write permission. */ #define X_OK 1 /* Test for execute permission. */ #define


--插入函数实例 create table stu(    stu_name varchar(100) null,    stu_age int);insert into stu values('张三',88);insert into stu values('asd',66);insert into stu values('[email protected]#',22);insert into stu values('nihao',2);insert into stu values('ss''s

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1 //http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-24549279-id-71355.html 2 /* 3 ============================================================================ 4 Name : test.c 5 Author : blank 6 Version : 7 Copyright : Your copyright notice 8 Description : 程序4-6 utime函

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最近研究出来用鼠标画树的方法,分享给大家 软件 Photoshop 工具 画笔 画笔属性 硬边的圆形画笔,画笔大小从4-20,如下图: 不透明度调整为80%,如下图: 主要颜色 树干颜色色板如下: 树叶颜色色板如下: 具体步骤 首先,当然是画树干,先新建一个图层(新建图层的方法用PS的人都知道,我就不说了),然后用树干色板中的第一个颜色把树干的轮廓画出来 PS:不是一般的丑,哈哈 然后配合使用树干色板中的三个颜色画出树的明暗关系,画的过程中可以将画布放大以方便画细节(快捷键"Ctrl"