Oracle Internals 相关站点


I’ve compiled a list of links to sites containing Oracle-related information.

Internals-Related Links
The following links are related to other consultants and engineers who focus on Oracle Internals research:

  • Tanel Põder
    Tanel is an Oracle Certified Master and OakTable member with 10 years of experience managing and improving Oracle-based database and application environments, troubleshooting, tuning, also delivering training classes for Oracle Education and partners. Currently he is particularly focused on researching Oracle 11g internals. His site contains several detailed presentations as well as several useful scripts and utilities.
  • Julian Dyke
    Julian is an England-based independent consultant who specializes in Oracle databases and is an OakTable member. On his site, you’ll find several fairly detailed and well-written presentations regarding transactionSGAlibrary cacheREDOindexIOT, and RAC internals.
  • Jonathan Lewis
    Jonathan is a UK-based independent consultant with 15 years of Oracle experience. Beyond specializing in independent design and troubleshooting, he is also the author of several books; his latest being Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals.

Security-Related Links
The following links are related to other consultants and engineers who focus on Oracle Internals research:

  • David Litchfield
    David is an Oracle database security expert. In addition to having written two quite detailed books on the subject, the Database Hacker’s Handbook and the Oracle Hacker’s Handbook, he provides consulting services through Next Generation Security Software.
  • Pete Finnigan
    Pete is a database security consultant and founder of Limited, a UK-based company specializing in providing Oracle database security audits and Oracle database security training. His site contains several useful utilities (both free and commercial), as well as many detailed articles, presentations, and documents related to Oracle security. One of his most popular presentations seems to be How to unwrap Oracle PL/SQL.

DBA-Related Links
The following links are related to other consultants and engineers who focus on Oracle Internals research:

  • AskTom
    Tom Kyte, Vice President of Core Technologies at Oracle, provides a detailed Q&A forum for generally advanced questions. Tom also has a personal blog.
  • Jonathan Gennick
    Whether you’ve read one of Jonathan’s books or one of his many articles in Oracle Magazine…
  • The Oracle FAQ
    The Oracle FAQ puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of Oracle professionals all over the world.

Performance-Related Links
The following links are related to other consultants and engineers who focus on Oracle Internals research:

  • Kyle Hailey / Performance Vision
    It’s hard to research Oracle performance without running across one of Kyle’s papers, articles, or examples. Kyle is a well-established and world-recognized Oracle performance and tuning professional.
  • Greg Rahn
    When it comes to performance and scalability, Greg takes a coherent, applied, and example-filled approach to illustrating Oracle features as well as performance issues and their solutions.
  • Kevin Closson
    Kevin’s blog is a must-read for anyone interested in databases and systems architecture.  Kevin easily describes the complex interaction and bottlenecks often found between software, hardware, and storage systems.
  • Hotsos
    Simply stated, the Hotsos response time profiling method makes trial-and-error tuning obsolete. By providing clients with our Performance Suite of solutions, as well as offering training, consulting services and technical support, Hotsos will improve your Oracle-based business performance, even if the system has already been “professionally” tuned.
时间: 2024-08-30 15:06:00

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Oracle 性能相关常用脚本(SQL)

在缺乏的可视化工具来监控数据库性能的情形下,常用的脚本就派上用场了,下面提供几个关于Oracle性能相关的脚本供大家参考.以下脚本均在Oracle 10g测试通过,Oracle 11g可能要做相应调整. 1.寻找最多BUFFER_GETS开销的SQL 语句 [sql] view plain copy print? --filename: top_sql_by_buffer_gets.sql --Identify heavy SQL (Get the SQL with heavy BUFFER_G


Oracle的相关介绍: 1.Oracle数据库软件--安装OS上的2.软件的获取路径,商务销售策略.3.数据库版本:9i--10%                      10g--65%                      11g--25%--新建的系统常见               12c--最新版本 8i--Internet   9i   10g--gird compute--10gR2-oracle 10g relaease 10.2.0.x   11g           

oracle 常用相关sql 语句

一.oracle 常用相关sql 语句 1. 连接数据库       su - oracle -c " sqlsplus 用户/密码     注:首次登陆用  sqlplus / as sysdba            注: 关闭数据库:注:shutdown可加关闭选项,从最温和到最粗暴的行为选项为(shutdown.shutdown transactional.shutdown immediate.shutdown abort)                 shutdown:关闭,等待每


.Net项目中通过ODAC方式链接Oracle数据库相关配置 一.开发环境 1.关于ODAC的链接方式 ODAC 直接使用 Oracle 调用接口 (OCI). OCI 是一种允许应用程序开发人员使用第三方开发语言存取Oracle数据服务器的过程或函数以及控制所有的SQL语句执行状态的应用程序接口. 2.使用ODAC方式的优点 使用ODAC的Net选项而无需在客户机上安装Oracle客户端来连接到Oracle.在这种情况下,ODAC仅需要TCP/IP协议的支持,从而可以创建真正的.最小的数据库应




Oracle权限相关查询着实视图有点多,记录下常用的语句,方便查询:1.查看所有用户:  select * from dba_users;  select * from all_users;  select * from user_users; 2.查看用户或角色系统权限(直接赋值给用户或角色的系统权限):  select * from dba_sys_privs;  select * from user_sys_privs; 3.查看角色(只能查看登陆用户拥有的角色)所包含的权限  selec


集团站点 1. 站点名:IMPORTNEW 网址: 简单介绍:专注分享JAVA技术 2. 站点名:PHP100 网址: 简单介绍:专注于分享传递PHP学习 3. 站点名:极客范 网址: 简单介绍:致力于分享前沿与新兴科技应用 4. 站点名:恩聪PHP 网址: 简单介绍:一个系统学习PHP的站点 5. 站点名:PHP手


堆表 数据以堆的形式管理,增加数据时会使用段中找到的第一个能放下数据的自由空间,我们见到的绝大部分的表都是堆表.堆表是数据库的默认表类型. 最简单的情况是 create table test (c1 varchar2(10),c2 varchar2(24),c3 number(9,3)) ; 然后使用tom kyte的方法,尽可能简单的创建表,调用dbms_metadata.get_ddl函数,查看详细定义,然后再根据这个详细版本,定制自己想要的版本. set long 5000 select