A while ago I tried to update our BMW E61 ‘05 completely with Program. It stopped at the first ECU, the CAS, the car did nothing
Luckily I managed to get it working again with winKFP. After that I
tried to update other ECU‘s with winKFP, starting with the TEBF, the
passenger door ECU.Then the car gave a lot of check control messages and
the passenger door windows is not opening anymore, also the central
locking on that door isn‘t working. A dead ECU I thought. Next I looked
for some other software, ISTA and ICOM A2 diagnostic & programming
tool with software. In ISTA/D the TEBF responds, but it shows a very
weird part number. I think the software is corrupt. And I tried to
reprogram it with ISTA/P;
however, i can‘t get it connected. When starting a new session it finds
the car, gets the VIN, model,and the option, but after that I get an
error as follows:
An error roccurred on execution f the measure.
94201 Technical service initialisation failed
10007 (CIP) - Error during intitialistation of EDIABAS
94020 Determination of the vehicle context failed.
I do not know what this error means, and more important, how to fix it. So I posted this on the forum to get an ideal solution.
Here is the solution provided by a bro on the forum. He say:
E60 is equipped with a MOST network. ISTA/P requires to see this
connection before continuing with the session since ISTA/P uses MOST to
access and program your MOST modules such as your CIC/MASK, CID, AMP,
TCU, etc. Your K+DCAN connector does not have MOST access resulting in error. ISTA/P is not designed for modified INPA connectors therefore resulting in this error message.
ICOM A2 BMW diagnosis
was designed to connect ISID and ISTA/P to other hardware such as
K+DCAN, ENET, and OPS without spending a few thousand dollars on an ICOM
Clone back when they were first introduced on the market. It was
successful and still is especially for the use with ISID or even ISTA/P
when using OPS, ENET, or programming older vehicle pre-MOST. But
unfortunately when it comes to MOST networks no way around it when using
ISTA/P than purchase an ICOM, unless you use other tools such as WINKFP
(which you have). Your MOST modules still have CAN networks which are
used for diagnostics hence why you are able to communicate with them in
This being said the only way around this with a MOST equipped vehicle
is simple... buy an BMW ICOM A2. They are dirt cheap now on www.wobd2.com
... approx $300-$550USD for the complete kit!! Which in hindsight is a
STEAL especially if you compare a bricked $1500 MASK unit to it. Could
have bought 3-5 ICOM‘s for that price. Or as you have done already...
take your chances with WINKFP but the solution is pretty simple here...
Your $40,000 vehicle compared to a simple $300 ICOM which we will easily
spend 10x the amount on a set of fancy rims which would look
beautifully while being driven to the dealership... on the flatbed for a
bricked DME ... I think for $300-550 your BMW would look even better
with those fancy rims while driving your BMW. ”
Nice bro on the
forum who helped out with this error. To post this here, I hope I can
help others also and help convince other user‘s reading this post to buy
an BMW ICOM for diagnosis and programming as the cost of an ICOM in
relation to the cost of an ECU is pennies.