"catalog" 与 "category" 的区别

catalog 中文翻译为: 目录;

category 中文翻译为: 类别;

catalog 是有一定顺序的条目列表,或者是分类系统列表。


category 是具有一到多个共同特征的人/物 组成的分类。

catalog 可以包含多个 categorycatalog 也可以包含在某个 catalog 下。

示例: “a tool catalog“(工具目录) 或者 “a fashion catalog“(时尚品目录)


Difference between the “catalog” and “category”?

A catalog is a list of items in some order or system of classification.

It can also be used as a verb meaning to put items into a catalog.

A category is a group or set of things or people that have one or more common characteristics.

A catalog may contain one or more categories. A catalog can also be in a category - “a tool catalog” or “a fashion catalog”.

翻译日期: 2015年08月01日

翻译人员: 铁锚 http://blog.csdn.net/renfufei


时间: 2024-08-18 16:33:40

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