//分页列出联系记录 @RequestMapping(value="toPage/customerRecord") public String listRelationRecord(Map map,String beginTime,String endTime, String uname,Long curPage){ Map<String,Object> map1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if(beginTime!= null && !"".equals(beginTime)){ map1.put("beginTime",beginTime); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ map1.put("endTime",endTime); } if(uname != null && !"".equals(uname)){ map1.put("uname","%"+uname+"%"); } if(curPage == null){ curPage=(long) 1; } Page page = relationService.getPageDataRecord(curPage, 4, map1); map.put("page", page); return "Relation/ListRelationRecord"; }
//分页列出联系记录 public Page getPageDataRecord(long curPage , long pageRows ,Map map){ return relationDaoImpl.getPageDataRecord(curPage, pageRows, map); }
/** * 分页列出联系记录 * @param curPage 当前页 * @param pageRows 每页的行数 * @param map 传给mybatis的参数Map * @return */ public Page getPageDataRecord(long curPage , long pageRows ,Map map){ //初始化Page Page page = new Page(); //获取联系记录的总记录数 long count = session.selectOne(Relation.class.getName()+".getCountRecord",map); //获取总页数=(总记录数+每页的行数-1)/每页的行数。如:总记录数为24条,每页的行数为4条,则共有:(24+4-1)/4=6页 long allPage = (count+pageRows -1)/pageRows; //设置当前页 if(curPage < 1)curPage = 1;//如果当前页小于1则设当前页为第1页 if(allPage > 0 && curPage > allPage ) curPage = allPage;//如果当前页大于总页数则设当前页为总页数(即尾页) //将查询的开始记录偏移量、最大查询记录数放到map中 map.put("start", (curPage -1)* pageRows);//查询记录的偏移量=(当前页-1)*每页的行数。如当前页为2,则查询记录的偏移量为(2-1)*4=4 map.put("stop", pageRows);//最大查询数=每页的行数 //获取联系记录数据 List<Relation> dataList = session.selectList(Relation.class.getName()+".getDataListRecord",map); //设置page的当前页 page.setCurPage(curPage); //设置page的每页的行数 page.setPageRows(pageRows); //设置page的总页数 page.setPageNum(allPage); //设置page的数据 page.setDataList(dataList); //返回page return page; }
4.1 获取联系记录的总记录数。即在getPageDataRecord方法中long count = session.selectOne(Relation.class.getName()+".getCountRecord",map);语句对应的xml文件中的SQL
<!-- 获取联系记录的总记录数 --> <select id="getCountRecord" resultType="long" parameterType="Map"> select count(*) from user u,relation r,linkman l,customer c where r.lid=l.lid and r.uid=u.uid and l.cid=c.cid <if test="beginTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND redate >= #{beginTime}]]> </if> <if test="endTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND redate <= #{endTime}]]> </if> <if test="uname != null"> and username like #{uname} </if> </select>
4.2 获取联系记录数据。即在getPageDataRecord方法中List<Relation> dataList = session.selectList(Relation.class.getName()+".getDataListRecord",map);语句对应的xml文件中的SQL
<!-- 列出联系记录分页 --> <select id="getDataListRecord" resultMap="listRelation" parameterType="Map"> select reid,r.lid,content,c.cid,cname,redate,nextdate,nextremark,l.lname,r.uid,u.username, l.phone,c.statues,c.address from user u,relation r,linkman l,customer c where r.lid=l.lid and r.uid=u.uid and l.cid=c.cid <if test="beginTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND redate >= #{beginTime}]]> </if> <if test="endTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND redate <= #{endTime}]]> </if> <if test="uname != null"> and username like #{uname} </if> order by redate desc limit #{start},#{stop} </select>
//分页列出联系计划 @RequestMapping(value="toPage/customerPlan") public String listRelation(Map map,String beginTime,String endTime, String uname,Long curPage){ Map<String,Object> map1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if(beginTime!= null && !"".equals(beginTime)){ map1.put("beginTime",beginTime); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ map1.put("endTime",endTime); } if(uname != null && !"".equals(uname)){ map1.put("uname","%"+uname+"%"); } if(curPage == null){ curPage=(long) 1; } Page page = relationService.getRePlanList(curPage, 4, map1); map.put("page", page); return "Relation/listRelation"; }
//分页列出联系计划 public Page getRePlanList(long curPage, long pageRows, Map map){ return relationDaoImpl.getRePlanList(curPage,pageRows,map); }
@Repository public class RelationDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<Relation>{ //分页列出联系计划 public Page getRePlanList(long curPage, long pageRows, Map map){ return super.getPageData(curPage, pageRows, map); } }
public class BaseDaoImpl<T> { /** * 分页 * @param curPage 当前页 * @param pageRows 每页的条数 * @param map * @return */ public Page getPageData(long curPage , long pageRows ,Map map){ Page page = new Page(); long count = session.selectOne(clazz.getName()+".getCount",map);//获取数据的总条数 long allPage = (count+pageRows -1)/pageRows;//根据每页的行数+总条数获取总页数 //设置当前页 if(curPage < 1)curPage = 1;//如果当前页小于1则设当前页的值为1 if(allPage > 0 && curPage > allPage ) curPage = allPage;//如果当前页大于总页数则设当前页为总页数 map.put("start", (curPage -1)* pageRows);//设置查询的起始值 map.put("stop", pageRows);//设置返回的最大条数——即每页的行数 //获取数据 List<T> dataList = session.selectList(clazz.getName()+".getDataList",map); page.setCurPage(curPage);//当前页 page.setPageRows(pageRows);//每页的行数 page.setPageNum(allPage);//总页数 page.setDataList(dataList);//数据 return page; } }
5.1 获取联系计划的总记录数。即在getPageData方法中 long count = session.selectOne(clazz.getName()+".getCount",map);语句对应的xml文件中的SQL
<!-- 获取联系计划的总记录数 --> <select id="getCount" resultType="long" parameterType="Map"> select count(*) from linkman l,relation r,customer c,user u where r.lid=l.lid and r.uid=u.uid and l.cid=c.cid and nextdate>now() <if test="beginTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND nextdate >= #{beginTime}]]> </if> <if test="endTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND nextdate <= #{endTime}]]> </if> <if test="uname != null"> and username like #{uname} </if> </select>
5.2获取联系计划的数据。即在getPageData方法中 List<T> dataList = session.selectList(clazz.getName()+".getDataList",map);语句对应的xml文件中的SQL
<!-- 获取联系计划分页数据 --> <select id="getDataList" resultMap="listRelation" parameterType="Map"> Select reid,redate,content,nextdate, nextremark,u.uid,username, l.lid,l.lname,lsex,l.phone,c.cid,cname,c.statues,c.address from linkman l,relation r,customer c,user u where r.lid=l.lid and r.uid=u.uid and l.cid=c.cid and nextdate>now() <if test="beginTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND nextdate >= #{beginTime}]]> </if> <if test="endTime != null"> <![CDATA[AND nextdate <= #{endTime}]]> </if> <if test="uname != null"> and username like #{uname} </if> order by nextdate desc limit #{start},#{stop} </select>