
Revision History






Realize the APP with binding.

Tang Hongyao



Give up binding, change another way.

Tang Hongyao


Problem Statement

  At first, I don‘t know how to realize the saving and loading data that user write in. I watch the teaching video and ask my classmates, then I know I may need to use Json file to realize this.

  It‘s not enough to know how to serialize and deserialize the Json file, I need to write the DataTemplate and use binding to bind the controls content to the class properties.

  And then I find that if I change the properties, my controls‘ content won‘t change, and after the teacher‘s help, I know I need to realize the interface named INotifyPropertyChanged, than the binding will refresh, so the user can see the changed data.

  When everything came to the last step, I tried 100 ways to solve the initialization problem of my Json file and binding but failed, I think there are some logical problem in it. And I did not have enough time so I changed the method to realize this APP. So, version 2.0 comes.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

2. Definitions 4

2.1 CourseName

2.2 CoursePlace

2.3 StartTime & EndTime

CourseAssitant Glossary

1. Introduction

This document is used to define terminology specific to the problem domain, explaining terms, which may be unfamiliar to the reader of the use-case

descriptions or other project documents.  Often, this document can be used as an informal data dictionary, capturing data definitions so that use-case

descriptions and other project documents can focus on what the system must do with the information.

2. Definitions

The glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in the my APP CourseAssistant.

2.1 CourseName

The name of the course that you have.

2.2 CoursePlace

The place that you have that lesson or course.

2.3 StartTime & EndTime

The courses‘ from and to.

Supplementary Specification

Table of Contents

1. Objectives 4

2. Scope 4

3. References 4

4. Functionality 4

5. Usability 4

6. Reliability 4

7. Performance 4

8. Supportability 4

9. Security 4

10. Design Constraints 5

CourseAssistant Specification

1. Objectives

The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Course Registration System.  This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are

not readily captured in the use cases of the use-case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of

requirements on the system.

2. Scope

Local use, can not change data with other users.

3. References


4. Functionality

- Multiple users must be able to manage their courses so that they can learn better.

5. Usability

Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone.

6. Reliability

The system shall be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with no more than 10% down time.

7. Performance

Clear, stable and efficient. Easy to use and friendly to users.

8. Supportability


9. Security

Local file saving data, not connecting to the Internet.


1. CourseAssistant

1.1 Brief Description

This my first Windows APP, it‘s a simple app that help manage your courses and lessons.

1.1 Flow of Events

1.1.1 Basic Flow Add/Delete/Change a Course Update the Course Table

1.2 Special Requirements


1.3 Pre-Conditions

If the APP can find the local Json file then read the file and initialize the data, if not , then call the initialize function.

1.4 Post-Conditions

If everything is ok, then save the data into the local Json file.

1.5 Extension Points


时间: 2024-10-12 19:56:43



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