Software Engineering——A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH (english edition · eighth edition)


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Choosing the right architecture style can be tricky. Bushman suggests two complementary concepts that can provide some guidance. 

Problem frames(wikipedia linked)  describe characteristics of recurring problems, without being distracted by references to details of domain knowledge or programming solution implementations.


The first problem frames identified by Jackson included:

  1. required behavior
  2. commanded behavior
  3. information display
  4. simple workpieces
  5. transformation

The intuitive idea behind this problem frame is:

  • There is some part of the physical world whose behavior is to be controlled so that it satisfies certain conditions. The problem is to build a machine that will impose that control.

Domain-driven design suggests that the software design should reflect the domain and the domain logic of the business problem you want to solve with your application.

Software Engineering——A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH (english edition · eighth edition)

时间: 2024-08-10 16:22:43

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