Jump gameII

leetcode jump gameII


class Solution {
    int jump(vector<int>& a) {
        int n=a.size();
        if(n<=1) return 0;
        int i=0, level=0, curmax=0, nextmax=0;
            for(;i<=curmax && i<=n-1;i++){
                nextmax=max(nextmax, a[i]+i);
                if(nextmax>=n-1) return level+1;
        return -1;


class Solution {
    int jump(vector<int>& a) {
        int n=a.size();
        if(n<=1) return 0;
        int dp[n];
        for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
                if(a[j]>=i-j)dp[i]=min(dp[i], dp[j]+1);
        return dp[n-1];


时间: 2024-10-11 12:44:45

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