business from English bisynes

From Middle English bisynes

Hyphenation: business


business (countable and uncountable)
1.(countable) A specific commercial enterprise or establishment. [quotations ▼]
I was left my father‘s business.

2.(countable) A person‘s occupation, work, or trade.
He is in the motor and insurance businesses.

I‘m going to Las Vegas on business.

3.(uncountable) Commercial, industrial, or professional activity.
He‘s such a poor cook, I can‘t believe he‘s still in business!

We do business all over the world.

4.(uncountable) The volume or amount of commercial trade. [quotations ▼]
Business has been slow lately.

They did nearly a million dollars of business over the long weekend.

5.(uncountable) One‘s dealings; patronage.
I shall take my business elsewhere.

6.(uncountable) Private commercial interests taken collectively. [quotations ▼]
This proposal will satisfy both business and labor.

7.(uncountable) The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management.
I studied business at Harvard.

8.(countable) A particular situation or activity.
This UFO stuff is a mighty strange business.

9.(countable) An objective or a matter needing to be dealt with. [quotations ▼]
Our principal business here is to get drunk.

Let‘s get down to business.

10.(uncountable) Something involving one personally.
That‘s none of your business.

11.(uncountable, parliamentary procedure) Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action.
If that concludes the announcements, we‘ll move on to new business.

12.(travel, uncountable) Business class, the class of seating provided by airlines between first class and coach. [quotations ▼]

13.(acting) Action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene. [quotations ▼]

14.(countable, rare) The collective noun for a group of ferrets. [quotations ▼]

15.(uncountable, slang, Britain) Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee‘s knees")
These new phones are the business!

16.(slang, uncountable) Excrement, particularly that of a non-human animal.
Your ferret left his business all over the floor.

As the cart went by, its horse lifted its tail and did its business.


1.Of, to, pertaining to or utilized for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes. [quotations ▼]

"Please do not use this phone for personal calls; it is a business phone."

2.Professional, businesslike, having concern for good business practice. [quotations ▼]

3.Supporting business, conducive to the conduct of business. [quotations ▼]


时间: 2024-08-30 18:07:56



英语bisynes商务概念的提出是改革的产物,有一个演变的过程:贸易部--商业部.外贸部--内贸部--内贸局--商务部.是内外贸一体化的概念. 中文名:商务 外文名:Business,Bisynes商务 注释与买卖商品服务相关的商业事务 1.商务是广义的概念,英文是business,bisynes 是指一切与买卖商品服务相关的商业事务. 2.狭义的商务概念即指商业或贸易. 3.商务活动,是指企业为实现生产经营目的而从事的各类有关资源.知识.信息交易等活动的总称. 商业business 在英文中b


个人发展是每一个人都必然要面对的问题,对于从事商务工作的人来说,如何与客户建立长期联系是未来职业发展的主要课题.与客户建立联系的方式有很多种,包括熟人引见.电话联系.邮件往来.及其他网络通讯等,这当中,最普遍的是使用电子邮件. 在商务活动中,与客户沟通的时候,要学会体现自己在业务方面的专业与可靠. 与客户建立联系的初期,彼此双方都会保留一些警惕,留给客户的第一印象可能就是自己的职位与电子邮箱了,所以,在这一细节之处体现自己,可以很自然的让客户产生信任,选择邮箱的域名,要注意邮箱的娱乐性不要太强,


工作6年后,27岁的我,对于工作对于生活,有点迷茫,想法太多,坚持太少,进步的脚步太慢,让整个人都处于一种颓废的状态下. 改变自己,合理的分配自己的时间,督促自己完成任务. 技术:最近一个月,都在研究架构的知识,看得多,写得少,这是一个很严重的问题,所说的眼高手低就是这种吧,设计模式,数据算法,底层BaseFromwork进展太慢. 英语:商务管理自考就差英语70分,对于零基础的我,头都大了,以前也有坚持1个星期的时候,可是到后面都没有在继续下去. 吉他:从去年的1首歌,到今年已经过了初级阶段,

高职高专代码 本科专业代码

高职高专代码 名称 本科专业代码 名称 510000 农林牧渔大类 090000 农学/管理学 510100 农业技术类 090100 植物生产类 510101 作物生产技术 090101 农学 510102 种子生产与经营 090107 种子科学与工程 510103 设施农业技术 090109 设施农业科学与工程 510104 观光农业 090101 园艺 510105 园艺技术 090102 园艺 510106 茶叶生产加工技术 090104 茶学 510107 中草药栽培技术 090101




虽说花桥算不上是荒.凉.偏.远,但发展规划自然是比不上“魔都”,但相较于上海动辄两三万每平方米的房价而言,花桥房价绝对可以说是低至谷底.据小编观察,在一人一家昆山花桥专线看房团活动中,前来看房的网友中,8成以上来自上海,不仅如此,花桥的很多盘本身就是针对上海购房者,上海购房者在拉动花桥楼市成交量方面可以说是有着举足轻重的作用.元宵节来了,一人一家房产网推荐以下楼盘: (鑫苑世家效果图) 鑫苑世家项目位于江苏省昆山市花桥镇内,地处绿地大道南侧,吴淞江北岸,整个项目占地220亩,规划总建筑面积约35


一.当前商务英语教学的现状 1.背景.世界经济已经进入到全球化的时代,各国之间的贸易交流与发展成为促进世界经济发展的一大内容.在中国加入世界贸易组织之后,中国人也开始在商务贸易方面发挥自己的才能,更多地加入到世界贸易交流中去.在这样的大背景下,商务英语的学习越来越被人们所重视,各大高校纷纷开设商务英语课程来培养更多的人才,以适应社会的发展趋势.商务英语作为一门具有专门用途的课程,越来越被重视,甚至成为新世纪在外语教学方面的重要部分.然而,随着国际贸易的不断发展,网络的应用和普及,对商务人才也有了


商业 百度百科在英文中business也写作bisynes, 一般是指“商业”的意思,还有交易.商业.营业.行业的意思,另外,还有职责.本分.分内事.权利的意思.在不同的语境中,可以有不同的含义.商业是以买卖方式使商品流动的经济活动,也指组织商品流通的国民经济部门.中文名商业 外文名business.bisynes商业商业兴起于先商时期的商国, 形成初期是以物换物的方式进行的社会活动.后来发展成为以货币为媒介进行交换从而实现商品流通的经济活动.现代的商业分为线下以及线上两种,极大提高了贸易的效率

business from English bisynes

Etymology business From English bisynes Hyphenation: business Noun business (countable and uncountable) 1.(countable) A specific commercial enterprise or establishment. [quotations ▼] I was left my father's business. 2.(countable) A person's occupati