Testing Complex Logic with JMeter Beanshell

BeanShell是最先进的JMeter内置组件之一。JMeter具有丰富的内置插件,可满足性能测试的许多需求。例如,在编写一些复杂的测试时,您可能需要一些额外的脚本。在这种情况下,值得使用Beanshell。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论使用JMeter Beanshell和常见用例测试复杂逻辑。Beanshell具有运行Java代码的功能,并且可以访问JMeter API和在JMeter类路径中加载的外部类。


  1. Beanshell采样器
  2. Beanshell预处理器
  3. Beanshell PostProcessor
  4. __BeanShell函数。
  5. Beanshell断言

以下是向Beanshell公开的JMeter API类。如果查看Beanshell的底部,您将看到为脚本定义的变量列表。






  ResponseCode =“200”;
else {
  ResponseCode =“500”;





  IsSuccess = true;
else {
  IsSuccess = false;




log.info(“Current Sampler class is:”+ ctx.getCurrentSampler());
log.info(“JMeter Engine类是:”+ ctx.getEngine()); 

log.info(“上一个响应消息是:”+ ctx.getPreviousResult()。getResponseMessage());
log.info(“上一个响应代码是:”+ ctx.getPreviousResult()。getResponseCode());
log.info(“Previous Response URL is:”+ ctx.getPreviousResult()。getURL());
log.info(“Previous Response Time is:”+ ctx.getPreviousResult()。getTime()); 

log.info(“Previous Domain is:”+ ctx.getPreviousSampler()。getDomain());
log.info(“Previous Protocol is:”+ ctx.getPreviousSampler()。getProtocol());
log.info(“Previous Port is:”+ ctx.getPreviousSampler()。getPort());
log.info(“Previous Method is:”+ ctx.getPreviousSampler()。getMethod()); 

log.info(“Thread Name is:”+ ctx.getThread()。getThreadName());
log.info(“Thread Start Time is:”+ ctx.getThread()。getStartTime());
log.info(“Thread End Time is:”+ ctx.getThread()。getEndTime());
log.info(“在错误时启动下一个线程循环:”+ ctx.getThreadGroup()。getOnErrorStartNextLoop());
log.info(“Stop Test on Error:”+ ctx.getThreadGroup()。getOnErrorStopTest());



import org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer;
f = new FileOutputStream(“C:\\ apache-jmeter-4.0 \\ bin \\ result.html”,true);
pt = new PrintStream(f);
pt.println( “<HTML> <BODY>”);
  if(a.isError()|| a.isFailure()){
    log.error(“URL:”+ ctx.getCurrentSampler()。toString());
    log.error(Thread.currentThread()。getName()+“:”+ SampleLabel +“:响应失败:”+ new String((byte [])ResponseData));
    pt.println(“URL:”+ ctx.getCurrentSampler()。toString());
    pt.println(Thread.currentThread()。getName()+“:”+ SampleLabel +“:响应断言失败:”+ new String((byte [])ResponseData));
  pt.println( “</ BODY> </ HTML>”);



log.info(vars.get( “ResponceData”));


基本上,这与vars它相同,但它公开了JMeter属性。有关java.util.Properties更多信息,请参阅有关JMeter属性的JavaDoc on 和JMeter文档。的主要区别之间props并且vars是道具有一个“全局”范围,而范围vars是有限的,以当前线程组。










int counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get(“counter”))+ 1;
vars.put( “计数器”,Integer.toString(计数器));



  1. 将用户创建的Jar文件放在lib/extJMeter的文件夹中。
  2. 重新启动JMeter以选择.jar。
  3. 将Beanshell采样器添加到测试计划中,并像在Java中一样从.jar文件中调用该方法。

例如 :


package timeStampPack;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class TimeStampConversion
  public TimeStampConversion(){}
  public static String getTimeStamps(int count)
    String dates =“”;
    for(int i = 1; i <= count; i ++)
      try {
      } catch(InterruptedException e){
      dates = dates +“TimeStamp”+ i +“==>”+ getCurrentDateTime()+“\ n”;


将Beanshell Sampler添加到测试计划中,并将以下代码放入“脚本”区域。

var time = TimeStampConversion.getTimeStamps(1);





BeanShell is one of the most advanced JMeter built-in components. JMeter has rich built-in plugins which cover many needs of a performance test. For example, you might need some additional scripting while writing some complex tests. In such cases, it’s worth using Beanshell. In this post, we are going to be talking about testing complex logic with JMeter Beanshell and common use cases. Beanshell has the functionality to run java code and has access to JMeter APIs and external classes that are loaded in the JMeter classpath.

JMeter has the following Beanshell enabled components:

  1. Beanshell Sampler.
  2. Beanshell PreProcessor.
  3. Beanshell PostProcessor.
  4. __BeanShell function.
  5. Beanshell Assertion.

Below are the JMeter API classes exposed to Beanshell. If you look at the bottom of Beanshell, you’ll see the list of variables defined for the script.


You can access the member variables and methods of the SampleResult Class in Beanshell.

For example, you can set and get the thread name using setThreadName() and getThreadName() methods respectively.


This class allows you to set response code manually. In some situations, you may need to set the response code based on the response that you get from server.
Here is a sample use-case:

if (condition) {
  ResponseCode = "200";
else {
  ResponseCode = "500";


This class allows you to set the response message manually. The sample use case is the same as the one for ResponseCode.


IsSuccess is a Boolean that reflects whether the sampler succeeded. If it’s set to true, the sampler is considered to have “passed.” Otherwise, it will be marked as “failed”.

if (condition) {
  IsSuccess = true;
else {
  IsSuccess = false;


ctx is the most powerful variable exposed to BeanShell. It represents the JMeterContextclass, which is virtually JMeter itself. It provides read/write access to the underlying JMeter engine, samplers, and their results as well as variables/properties.

The following code demonstrates the usage of ctx variable:

log.info("Current Sampler class is: " + ctx.getCurrentSampler());
log.info("JMeter Engine class is: " + ctx.getEngine());

log.info("Previous Response Message is: " + ctx.getPreviousResult().getResponseMessage());
log.info("Previous Response Code is: " + ctx.getPreviousResult().getResponseCode());
log.info("Previous Response URL is: " + ctx.getPreviousResult().getURL());
log.info("Previous Response Time is: " + ctx.getPreviousResult().getTime());

log.info("Previous Domain is: " + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getDomain());
log.info("Previous Protocol is: " + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getProtocol());
log.info("Previous Port is: " + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getPort());
log.info("Previous Method is: " + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getMethod());

log.info("Thread Name is: " + ctx.getThread().getThreadName());
log.info("Thread Start Time is: " + ctx.getThread().getStartTime());
log.info("Thread End Time is: " + ctx.getThread().getEndTime());
log.info("Start Next Thread Loop on Error: " + ctx.getThreadGroup().getOnErrorStartNextLoop());
log.info("Stop Test on Error: " + ctx.getThreadGroup().getOnErrorStopTest());

Another use case is if you want to write all Assertions error to an HTML file so you can see which assertion is not working. You can use ctx variable in Beanshell assertion to iterate through all samplers in the current context and write the failures in an html file.

Add a Beanshell assertion and copy the following code to write all the assertions to a html file:

import org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer;
f = new FileOutputStream("C:\\apache-jmeter-4.0\\bin\\result.html", true);
pt = new PrintStream(f);
for (a: SampleResult.getAssertionResults()) {
  if (a.isError() || a.isFailure()) {
    log.error("URL :"+ ctx.getCurrentSampler().toString());
    log.error(Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+SampleLabel+": Assertion failed for response: " + new String((byte[]) ResponseData));
    pt.println("URL :"+ ctx.getCurrentSampler().toString());
    pt.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+SampleLabel+": Assertion failed for response: " + new String((byte[]) ResponseData)); // update here what you want to write


It’s an instance of the JMeterVariables class and provides read/write access to current variables, is capable of enumerating/changing existing variables, creating new variables, and obtaining nested properties. All JMeter variables are Java strings. If you need to put something else to a JMeter variable, you’ll need to cast it to a string first. The following code snippet demonstrates how to save previous sampler response data into a JMeter variable:

vars.put("ResponceData", prev.getResponseDataAsString());


Basically, this is the same as vars, but it exposes JMeter properties instead. See JavaDoc on java.util.Properties and JMeter documentation on JMeter properties for more information. The primary distinction between props and vars is that props have a “global” scope, whereas the scope of vars is limited to the current thread group.


log represents the Logger class and can be used to append a message into jmeter.log file. The following is the sample use case:

log.info("Test Message with INFO level");
log.error("Test Message with ERROR level");

Some Common Use Cases of Beanshell

Writing custom requests in JMeter.

In some cases, you might want to add parameters based on the response. You can do this using the Beanshell preprocessor.

The sampler.addArgument() method allows you to add arguments before hitting the server manually.

Changing JMeter Variables.

As mentioned earlier, you can update JMeter variables on the fly using Beanshell. Assume that you have a user defined variable called “counter” with the value of “1”. Let’s say you want to increment this counter value by one every time it executes a sampler in while loop. The following code snippet increments the counter value by one and updates the same:

int counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("counter")) +1;

Using a Custom Jar in the Beanshell Sampler.

Assume that you have a requirement to call one of the methods which is present in a user created class. You can call the methods present in user created JAR file using Beanshell.

  1. Place your User created Jar file in lib/ext folder of JMeter.
  2. Restart JMeter to pick the .jar.
  3. Add a Beanshell sampler to your Test Plan and call the method from .jar file as you would do in Java.

For Example :

Given you have the following class:

package timeStampPack;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class TimeStampConversion
  public TimeStampConversion() {}
  public static String getTimeStamps(int count)
    String dates = "";
    for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      dates = dates + "TimeStamp" + i + "==>" + getCurrentDateTime() + "\n";
    return dates;

In above class, getTimeStamps() method returns timestamp, packages it as timeStamp.jar and copies the file to the lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation.

Add Beanshell Sampler to your Test Plan and put the following code into the “Script” area.

Import timeStampPack.*;
var time=TimeStampConversion.getTimeStamps(1);

The above code will call getTimeStamps() method and logs the value.

You can also use Beanshell to parameterize test data using CSV file. Check this article to see details.

How RedLine13 Enhances JMeter Load Testing

JMeter is an excellent open source load testing tool used by thousands of developers. If you’re one of them, you may want to load test. JMeter can be used for load testing. With RedLine13, you can run a JMeter Load Test with your JMX script of any mobile application, web application, or API in 10 minutes.


时间: 2024-08-02 17:16:31

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