本文主要参考Xcode 4-PBXcp error修复-No such file or directory,并做了一些更新. 接手了一个新项目,真机编译时总是提示"PBXcp error-No such file or directory"这个错误,就是看了上面的文章也没解决问题,几经搜索,终于解决. 原因之一是因为上面文章方法3中说的,targets-build phases的copy bundle resources下有红色资源文件,而红色资源文件恰恰是main.storyboar
How do I resolve the CodeSign error: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED? The Xcode build error titled "CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED" is a common problem that arises when Trust Settings have been mistakenly modified for any of the iOS Development related certifica