Easy mistakes in c#


c# has some access modifiers below:

public:class or member can be accessed by no restrictions

private:members can only be accessed within the class itself

internal:class or member can only be accessed within the assembly,not others.

protected:members can only be accessed by derived class(or within the class of course), not others non-derived class.

protected internal: members can only be accessed by derived class, OR, in the same assembly.


  1. not all access modifiers can be used on class,that‘s why there‘s underline on "class or member" and "members". it‘s nonsense to use private,protected,protected internal on a class. This may make mistake easily.
  2. no access modifier allowed on namespace,but public is implicitly.
  3. internal is default to a class
  4. no access modifier allowed on a interface but public is implicitly.
  5. private is default to members.

Modifiers and Static

Can not use override,virtual or abstract on a static member, cause these are for instance of inheriting

Size of basic types

type size(byte) size(bit) Range
 char  2  16  
时间: 2025-01-12 00:14:26

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