quora 的东西就是不一样

Coding is just a part of process of problem solving, You should need to understand the underlying problem and efficient solution within given constraint. So i will better tell you,how to be better at problem solving:

Programming Language & Computer science fundamental :-
& foremost ,you should be proficient in any one of the popular
languages(C/C++/Java/Python), I will advise you to chose between c++ or
Java ,since both are widely accepted across all coding competitions and
have better resources to get yourself trained. Apart from knowing the
make sure you are pretty good in debugging and testing your own written code
with all the scenarios.

CS106A: Programming Methodologies (Stanford Java tutorial)
Eclipse And Java Video Tutorials
CodingBat Java (Elementary problem on java programming to kick start the things)
Coursera (C++ course )
Buy The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup)
Page on stanford.edu( CS101 course by stanford university for non cs students/beginner  computer science student)

Data Structure and Algorithm:-
can be a good programmer if you know a programming language well but to
become a great programmer you need to understand underlying data
structure and algorithm.

Introduction to Algorithms Book(CLRS) ,easy language,very detailed explanation about each and every algorithm technique(bible book :) )

The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms v. 1 Book

Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy : Second Edition: Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles Book

YouTube Channel:-



Coursera(Algorithm course offered  by Stanford university)

1. Try to implement every solution on paper first before starting the code
Analyze the problem, define the constraint , compare your own solution
with the parameter of  time/space complexities  and then start coding
(It may be hard to do at first but it will surely make you a better

At this point of time you would be pretty confident
enough to imagine ,which technique shall i follow or which algorithm
shall i utilize to solve a particular problem, Now it‘s Practice Time!!!
1. Start solving problem on Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) ,200 problems
2. Once you finish step 1, try topcoder problems for DP and other algorithmic techniques ( solve around 300 div2 or div1 ,until you feel confident in yourself)
3(Optional) If you are looking for interview preparation ,Start solving problems from
Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions
GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks

Bottom Line:- It‘s not the  only "The"
way to achieve a good programming mindset but it‘s a better way that
helped me to equip myself with better programming knowledge.

时间: 2024-12-07 16:57:52

quora 的东西就是不一样的相关文章


原文地址:https://www.quora.com/As-a-computer-science-student-what-can-I-learn-right-now-in-just-10-minutes-that-could-be-useful-for-the-rest-of-my-life 问:作为一个计算鸡领域相关的学生狗,有毛东西可以让我花10分钟学习然后站撸不哭的?我知道这个问题和 What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that w


本文主要参考了Phil Whelan的这篇文章<Quora’s Technology Examined>.关于Quora是个什么网站我就不多说了,国内对他的C2C网站叫“知乎”.呵呵.我们还是来看看Quora的技术吧. Search-Box Quora只能搜索问题,主题标签,用户名,和主题标题.没有全文搜索,所以,你无法搜索问题和答案的内容.而搜索中使用前缀搜索方式,比如你 输入mi,则Microsoft会马上出来.其搜索还会有一些非常简单的模糊匹配的算法.另外,如果有重复的问题,其中一个问题

Quora 用了哪些技术(转)

原文:http://dbanotes.net/arch/quora_tech.html 很多团队都在学习.研究 Quora .前段时间看到这篇 Quora’s Technology Examined ,阐述了 Quora 的技术架构,有一些值得关注的信息,记录并分享一下. 使用云计算服务 Quora 大量使用 Amazon EC2 与 S3 服务:操作系统部署的是 Ubuntu Linux,易于部署和管理:静态内容用 Cloudfront.服务分发,图片先传到 EC2 服务器,使用 Pyhon


原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/xiekeli/archive/2012/04/27/2473808.html 关于问答类的应用,最早接触的是stackoverflow和知乎 ,而Quora作为知乎的原型,因为其创始人来自FaceBook而吸引了我.事实上关于Quora的技术分析,冯大辉和陈皓都已经有所详细的阐述:<Quora 用了哪些技术 ?><Quora使用到的技术>.通过他们的文章,我看到了一篇更详细的说明<Quora’s Technology Ex


关于问答类的应用,最早接触的是stackoverflow和知乎 ,而Quora作为知乎的原型,因为其创始人来自FaceBook而吸引了我.事实上关于Quora的技术分析,冯大辉和陈皓都已经有所详细的阐述:<Quora 用了哪些技术 ?><Quora使用到的技术>.通过他们的文章,我看到了一篇更详细的说明<Quora's Technology Examined>.看完以后感觉有很多东西值得深入的去学习和整理.于是决定将这篇文章先翻译出来,作为后面web学习的引子吧.下面开


在quora上面有人问程序写太多了是一种什么体验? 然后有人举了一个例子: 有个哥们遇到难题,找啊找终于在stackoverflow上面找到了答案,答案完美的解决了问题.这哥们对答主的才华很是佩服,于是看看答主是谁,但瞬间惊呆了..........原来答主就是他自己. 这个事情告诉我们,做技术的天天要经历许多事情和问题,累积的太多就没有办法有效的review之前做过的东西.技术人员很多都爱写博客,一方面是方便交流,另一方面对自己也是个记录.因此,以后要写点博客记录值得记下来的东西.


原文链接:Moving Fast With High Code Quality译者:杰微刊—程慧 一个高质量的代码库可以加快长期开发的速度,因为它会使得迭代.协作和维护更加容易.在Quora,我们十分重视代码库的质量. 除了会取得收益之外,要维护高质量的代码,会带来一大笔间接费用,还会牺牲实际开发周期.很多人发现,实际产生的收益很难抵消这一间接费用,这时人们会面临两个选择:要么以低质量代码提升开发速度,要么维护高质量代码而牺牲开发速度.而对于初创公司来说,他们希望开发速度能快一些,所以就不得不使


HTTP方法之 GET对比POST GET:从指定的资源请求数据, POST:向指定的资源提交要被处理的数据 GET方法: 请注意,查询字符串(名称/值对)是在 GET 请求的 URL 中发送的: /test/demo_form.asp?name1=value1&name2=value2 有关 GET 请求的其他一些注释: GET 请求可被缓存 GET 请求保留在浏览器历史记录中 GET 请求可被收藏为书签 GET 请求不应在处理敏感数据时使用 GET 请求有长度限制 GET 请求只应当用于取回


Raster是个啥子东西 现如今,不仅是在遥感应用中能看到花花绿绿的影像了,在GIS应用中也能随处看到她们的身影.在各种在线地图中,卫星影像作为底图与矢量的道路层叠加:高程DEM作为高程来源实现地形的山影效果.相信大家对影像这个词,应该一点儿也不感到陌生. 那么栅格呢?相对与我们熟悉的影像,这俩只是名词上的区别么? 栅格(Raster)和影像(Images/Imagery)在GIS应用中经常被相互指代.如果非要区别一下呢,影像是指通过各种遥感设备,传感器,或者照相机得到的电子的或者纸质的图片,栅