前几天,偶然看到了An Early Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing ,The Author is:Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Ping-Hsueh Wu, and Yung-Chuen Chiou
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- int main()
- {
- string filepath = "F:\\video\\fire\\fire0.jpg";
- Mat inputImg = imread(filepath,1);
- CheckColor(inputImg);
- return 0;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- //The Color Check is According to "An Early Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing"
- //The Author is:Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Ping-Hsueh Wu, and Yung-Chuen Chiou
- //////////////////////////////////////
- Mat CheckColor(Mat &inImg)
- {
- Mat fireImg;
- fireImg.create(inImg.size(),CV_8UC1);
- int redThre = 115; // 115~135
- int saturationTh = 45; //55~65
- Mat multiRGB[3];
- int a = inImg.channels();
- split(inImg,multiRGB); //将图片拆分成R,G,B,三通道的颜色
- for (int i = 0; i < inImg.rows; i ++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < inImg.cols; j ++)
- {
- float B,G,R;
- B = multiRGB[0].at<uchar>(i,j); //每个像素的R,G,B值
- G = multiRGB[1].at<uchar>(i,j);
- R = multiRGB[2].at<uchar>(i,j);
- /*B = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 0); //另一种调用图片中像素RGB值的方法
- G = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 1);
- R = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 2);*/
- int maxValue = max(max(B,G),R);
- int minValue = min(min(B,G),R);
- double S = (1-3.0*minValue/(R+G+B));
- //R > RT R>=G>=B S>=((255-R)*ST/RT)
- if(R > redThre && R >= G && G >= B && S >0.20 && S >((255 - R) * saturationTh/redThre))
- {
- fireImg.at<uchar>(i,j) = 255;
- }
- else
- {
- fireImg.at<uchar>(i,j) = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- dilate(fireImg,fireImg,Mat(5,5,CV_8UC1));
- imshow("fire",fireImg);
- waitKey(0);
- DrawFire(inImg,fireImg);
- return fireImg;
- }
- void DrawFire(Mat &inputImg,Mat foreImg)
- {
- vector<vector<Point>> contours_set;//保存轮廓提取后的点集及拓扑关系
- findContours(foreImg,contours_set,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
- Mat result0;
- Scalar holeColor;
- Scalar externalColor;
- vector<vector<Point> >::iterator iter = contours_set.begin() ;
- for(; iter!= contours_set.end(); )
- {
- Rect rect = boundingRect(*iter );
- float radius;
- Point2f center;
- minEnclosingCircle(*iter,center,radius);
- if (rect.area()> 0)
- {
- rectangle(inputImg,rect,Scalar(0,255,0));
- ++ iter;
- }
- else
- {
- iter = contours_set.erase(iter);
- }
- }
- imshow("showFire",inputImg);
- waitKey(0);
- }
int main() { string filepath = "F:\\video\\fire\\fire0.jpg"; Mat inputImg = imread(filepath,1); CheckColor(inputImg); return 0; } ////////////////////////////////// //The Color Check is According to "An Early Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing" //The Author is:Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Ping-Hsueh Wu, and Yung-Chuen Chiou ////////////////////////////////////// Mat CheckColor(Mat &inImg) { Mat fireImg; fireImg.create(inImg.size(),CV_8UC1); int redThre = 115; // 115~135 int saturationTh = 45; //55~65 Mat multiRGB[3]; int a = inImg.channels(); split(inImg,multiRGB); //将图片拆分成R,G,B,三通道的颜色 for (int i = 0; i < inImg.rows; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < inImg.cols; j ++) { float B,G,R; B = multiRGB[0].at<uchar>(i,j); //每个像素的R,G,B值 G = multiRGB[1].at<uchar>(i,j); R = multiRGB[2].at<uchar>(i,j); /*B = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 0); //另一种调用图片中像素RGB值的方法 G = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 1); R = inImg.at<uchar>(i,inImg.channels()*j + 2);*/ int maxValue = max(max(B,G),R); int minValue = min(min(B,G),R); double S = (1-3.0*minValue/(R+G+B)); //R > RT R>=G>=B S>=((255-R)*ST/RT) if(R > redThre && R >= G && G >= B && S >0.20 && S >((255 - R) * saturationTh/redThre)) { fireImg.at<uchar>(i,j) = 255; } else { fireImg.at<uchar>(i,j) = 0; } } } dilate(fireImg,fireImg,Mat(5,5,CV_8UC1)); imshow("fire",fireImg); waitKey(0); DrawFire(inImg,fireImg); return fireImg; } void DrawFire(Mat &inputImg,Mat foreImg) { vector<vector<Point>> contours_set;//保存轮廓提取后的点集及拓扑关系 findContours(foreImg,contours_set,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); Mat result0; Scalar holeColor; Scalar externalColor; vector<vector<Point> >::iterator iter = contours_set.begin() ; for(; iter!= contours_set.end(); ) { Rect rect = boundingRect(*iter ); float radius; Point2f center; minEnclosingCircle(*iter,center,radius); if (rect.area()> 0) { rectangle(inputImg,rect,Scalar(0,255,0)); ++ iter; } else { iter = contours_set.erase(iter); } } imshow("showFire",inputImg); waitKey(0); }
时间: 2024-10-12 12:44:23