1 //创建懒加载对象 @id是将要获取外部容器的id var Lazyload = function(id) { 2 this.container = document.getElementById(id); 3 this.imgs = this.getImgs(); 4 this.init();//初始化 5 } 6 Lazyload.prototype = { 7 //初始化 8 init: function() { 9 this.update(); //进行首次图片位置判断 10 this.bindEvent(); //添加事件 11 }, 12 //获取图片数据 13 getImgs: function() { //获取到的图片对象放入数组中 14 var arr = []; 15 var imgs = this.container.getElementsByTagName(‘img‘); 16 for(var i = 0, len = imgs.length; i < len; i++) { 17 arr.push(imgs[i]); 18 } 19 return arr; 20 }, 21 //对图片进行处理操作 22 update: function() { 23 if(!this.imgs.length) return; 24 var i = this.imgs.length; 25 for(i--; i >= 0; i--) { 26 if(this.shouldShow(i)) { 27 this.imgs[i].src = this.imgs[i].getAttribute("data-src"); 28 this.imgs.splice(i, 1);//获取后删除数组中的图片 29 } 30 } 31 }, 32 //判断图片位置 33 shouldShow: function(i) { 34 var img = this.imgs[i]; 35 scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;//滚动高度 36 scrollBottom = scrollTop + document.documentElement.clientHeight; //获取页面底部高度 37 imgTop = this.pageY(img); 38 imgBottom = imgTop + img.offsetHeight; 39 if((imgTop > scrollTop && imgTop < scrollBottom) || (imgBottom > scrollTop && imgBottom < scrollBottom)) { 40 41 return true; 42 } else { 43 return false; 44 } 45 }, 46 //获取图片距离页面顶部距离 47 pageY: function(ele) { 48 if(ele.offsetParent) { 49 return ele.offsetTop + this.pageY(ele.offsetParent); 50 } else { 51 return ele.offsetTop; 52 } 53 }, 54 //绑定事件 55 bindEvent: function() { 56 var that = this; 57 that.on(window, "scroll", function() { 58 //that.update(); 59 throttle(that.update, { 60 context: that 61 }) 62 }); 63 that.on(window, function() { 64 //that.update(); 65 throttle(that.update, { 66 context: that 67 }) 68 }) 69 }, 70 //监听 71 on: function(ele, type, fn) { 72 if(ele.addEventListener) { 73 ele.addEventListener(type, fn, false) 74 } else { 75 ele.attachEvent("on" + type, fn) 76 } 77 } 78 }
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时间: 2024-12-13 03:53:46