
pku 1107:


Weird Wally‘s Wireless Widgets, Inc. manufactures an eclectic assortment of small, wireless, network capable devices, ranging from dog collars, to pencils, to fishing bobbers. All these devices have very small memories. Encryption algorithms like Rijndael, the candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are demonstrably secure but they don‘t fit in such a tiny memory. In order to provide some security for transmissions to and from the devices, WWWW uses the following algorithm, which you are to implement.
Encrypting a message requires three integer keys, k1, k2, and k3. The letters [a-i] form one group, [j-r] a second group, and everything else ([s-z] and underscore) the third group. Within each group the letters are rotated left by ki positions in the message. Each group is rotated independently of the other two. Decrypting the message means doing a right rotation by ki positions within each group.
Consider the message the_quick_brown_fox encrypted with ki values of 2, 3 and 1. The encrypted string is _icuo_bfnwhoq_kxert. The figure below shows the decrypting right rotations for one character in each of the three character groups.Looking at all the letters in the group [a-i] we see {i,c,b,f,h,e} appear at positions {2,3,7,8,11,17} within the encrypted message. After a right rotation of k1=2, these positions contain the letters {h,e,i,c,b,f}. The table below shows the intermediate strings that come from doing all the rotations in the first group, then all rotations in the second group, then all the rotations in the third group. Rotating letters in one group will not change any letters in any of the other groups.All input strings contain only lowercase letters and underscores(_). Each string will be at most 80 characters long. The ki are all positive integers in the range 1-100.

题目大意:给出一种加密方式,现在给出明文让你解密生成密文。这种加密方式的细节是,对于一个密文字符串,将其分成三个组,然后对应三个密匙k1、k2、k3.加密过程是一个轮转过程,以第一组为例,其字符集合形式是{a,b,c,d},对应的位置集合是{2,4,6,7}这两个集合的元素形成一一映射,设密匙k1 = 2,则完成对字符集合向左轮转k1次,而位置集合不变,即加密之后字符集合编程{c、d、a、b}。(这里也可以参考题目描述中给出的解释)。三组字符串分别进行这种轮换,然后基于字符集合和位置集合的一一映射,得到明文。





程序语言实现解密:这里我们先利用一个空串str来记录解密后的密文,现在我们有第一组的字符集合c = {c1,c2,c3,c4…cn},及与之形成一一映射的位置集合num = {num1,num2,num3…numn},密匙是k1,则遍历num数组,有如下的对应关系:

str[numi + k1] = ci.





using namespace std;

const int maxn = 85;

struct ele


    char c;

    int p;


int main()


     char str[maxn];

     int k1 , k2 , k3;

     struct ele group1[maxn] , group2[maxn] , group3[maxn];

     while(scanf("%d%d%d",&k1,&k2,&k3) != EOF)




          int index1 , index2 , index3;

          index1 = 0;

          index2 = 0;

          index3 = 0;

          for(int i = 0;i < strlen(str);i++)


               if(str[i] >= ‘a‘ && str[i] <= ‘i‘)

                   group1[index1].p = i , group1[index1++].c = str[i];

               else if(str[i] >= ‘j‘ && str[i] <= ‘r‘)

                   group2[index2].p = i , group2[index2++].c = str[i];


                   group3[index3].p = i , group3[index3++].c = str[i];



           for(int i = 0;i < index1;i++)


                int j = i + k1;

                  if(j >= index1)   j %= index1;//因为是一个轮转,千万不要忘记取余

                  str[group1[j].p] = group1[i].c;


           for(int i = 0;i < index2;i++)


                int j = i + k2;

                  if(j >= index2)   j %= index2;

                  str[group2[j].p] = group2[i].c;


           for(int i = 0;i < index3;i++)


                int j = i + k3;

                  if(j >= index3)   j %= index3;

                  str[group3[j].p] = group3[i].c;




时间: 2024-12-28 21:04:47



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/*Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : localhostSource Server Version : 50136Source Host : localhost:3306Source Database : ben500_info Target Server Type : MYSQLTarget Server Version : 50136File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2013-07-11 10:07:33*/ SET

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学号:140201126             姓名:杨鹏飞 组别:第2组                实验地点:D19 一.实验目的: 1.了解短信AT指令的使用方法. 2.掌握使用短信AT指令驱动SIM900A发送和接收短信的方法. 二.实验内容: 1.使用AT命令进行模块测试,发送和接收短信. 2.编写程序利用触摸屏完成固定号码短信的发送和接收.(需要加上AT测试命令模块.手机SIM卡检测模块.手机信号质量检测模块等等.) 三.实验过程描述及结果展示: 短信常用AT指令 程序代码: #