LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime ToDateTime(System.String)' method


where System.Data.Objects.SqlClient.SqlFunctions.DateDiff("s",DateTime.Now,u.Time)>0

where System.Data.Objects.EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(DateTime.Now,u.Time)>0

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime ToDateTime(System.String)' method

时间: 2025-01-31 06:42:42

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Entity Framework技术系列之7:LINQ to Entities

小分享:我有几张阿里云优惠券,用券购买或者升级阿里云相应产品最多可以优惠五折!领券地址: 前言 LINQ(Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询)是一组用于C#和VB.NET语言的扩展,它允许编写C#或者VB.NET代码,以与查询数据库相同的方式操作内存数据.LINQ提Entity Framework技术系

LINQ(LINQ to Entities)

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