Lintcode - Maximum Subarray III

Given an array of integers and a number k, find k non-overlappingsubarrays which have the largest sum.

The number in each subarray should be contiguous.

Return the largest sum.


一开始以为这和best time to buy and sell stock III 一样的解法,但是test case只过了82%.后来发现问题出在这个必须为K个,而不是at most k.

比如 input 是 [1,-1,-2],k=2. 如果是at most k,那么最后的答案会是1,可是必须是k的话,答案则是0.所以此题并不是每一个数都会走k次,K的最大取值是min(k,i+1),如此我们就能保证在k步时,肯定是包括exactly k个subarray.

此题依然用两个数组维系. 一个是local,一个global. k的更新也依然是从后往前.

dp公式是   local[j] =Math.max(global[i-1],local[j])+nums[i];




  public static int maxSubArray(List<Integer> nums, int k) {
        // write your code
            return 0;
        int[] local=new int[k+1];
        int[] global=new int[k+1];
        for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++){
            //must be min of (k,i+1).otherwise,it is not guaranteed k subarrays,could be less
            for(int j=Math.min(k, i+1);j>0;j--){
        return global[k];
时间: 2024-10-13 11:07:32

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