kbmmw 5.02发布

5.02.00 May 27 2017

Important notes (changes that may break existing code)
* Changed Use class in kbmMWSmartUtils.pas. Now it will use
TkbmMWAutoValue internally
to store data. Since data stored in TkbmMWAutoValue is reference counted
and scoped,
access to the data is slightly different.
Use AsObject to return a reference to the object. Ownership of the
object belongs to the TkbmMWAutoValue container.
Use AsMyObject to return a reference to the object and mark it as your
object. You will be responsible for freeing it.

New stuff
- Added IkbmMWAutoValue and TkbmMWAutoValue to kbmMWGlobal.pas. They
handle scope based object life time handling.
- Changed smart object‘s (TkbmMWMarshalledVariantData) to use
- Updated DumpVariant in kbmMWGlobal.pas to dump smart object‘s too.
- Added support for TkbmMWTiming on IOS.
- Added support for REST tags anonymousRoot=true/false and
pretty=true/false which
can be used to control if resulting objects should be anonymous or
contained in a
parent object, and if the result should be prettyformatted or not (default).
Prettyformatting is not implemented on JSON at the time.
- Updated AMQP protocol to default not write shortstrings, unsigned
8bit, unsigned16 bit
unsigned32 bit and unsigned 64 bit. Reason is that although AMQP v. 0.9.1
should support them, industry dont, why most AMQP implementations will
not understand those types.
It is possible to uncommnet a number of defines in top of kbmMWAMQP.pas
to selectively
enable these types. If they are commented, kbmMW auto propogates the
value to the next
sensible type.
- Updated kbmMWAMQP.pas to support copying field tables instead of
assigning them.
- Added Safe property to TkbmMWMixerPasswordGen. If set to true, it will
not use
digits and characters that can be visually misread (0 vs O etc).
- Added OnMessageProcessingFailed event to
TkbmMWCustomSAFClientTransport and
TkbmMWCUstomSAFServerTransport and published in descending classes.
It will be called when message processing failed, for example if kbmMW is
unable to decrypt a message.
- Added support for dynamic arrays in object marshalling.
- Added support for Notify in TkbmMWDateTime and kbmMWNullable. If set
(in an ORM scenario)
the client will be notified about the value in that particular field.
- Modified and fixed timezone initialization in kbmMWDateTime.pas.
- Added OutputToDefaultAndFile and OutputToDefaultAndStringsAndFile to
TkbmMWLog for
easy setup of outputs.
- Enhanced TkbmMWCustomCrypt to support PassPhraseBytes (which if set,
takes precedence over
PassPhrase (string).
- Added OnEncryptKeys, OnDecryptKeys, OnDecryptStatus events to
TkbmMWCustomCrypt to allow for
attempting various keys before finally either succeeding or giving up.
This can be valuable in supporting client unique encryption/decryption.
- Added a number of GetDefAs.... methods to TkbmMWONArray and
TkbmMWONObject which
returns a default value if the property/index is missing instead of
raising an exception.
- Added GlobalIndexNames property to TkbmMWCustomSQLMetaData. If set
kbmMW‘s SQL rewriter
knows that index names must be database scope unique, instead of only
table scope unique.
- Added Init function that accepts a string as salt to TkbmMWCustomHash.
- Added GetDigest to TkbmMWCustomHash, which returns a byte array with
the digested hash.
Its an alternative to using Final.
- Added OnDisconnected and OnException events to TkbmMWAMQPClientConnection.
- Added OnConnect, OnDisconnect, OnDisconnected and OnException events
to TkbmMWAMQPClient.
- Added mwsloDateTimeIsUTC to TkbmMWSQLiteOption. Determines how to
interpret date time values, as local time or as UTC time.
- Added support for boolean parameter values in TkbmMWSQLite.
- Improved marshalling of kbmMWNullable types.
- Added kbmMWSubjectGetType, kbmMWSubjectExtractNodeID and
kbmMWGenerateMessageSubscriptionSubject to kbmMWSubjectUtils.pas
- Added mwrieNotify to TkbmMWRecordInfoEvent in kbmMWCustomDataset.pas
- Added support for TIMESTAMP datatype in SQL datatype deduction.
- Added support for returning an interfaced object from smart services.
- Added field change detection to TkbmMWFieldDefs.
- Improved TkbmMWRTTI.InstantiateValue in kbmMWRTTI.pas.
- Improved kbmMWNullable.
- Changed Use class in kbmMWSmartUtils.pas. Now it will use
TkbmMWAutoValue internally
to store data. Since data stored in TkbmMWAutoValue is reference counted
and scoped,
access to the data is slightly different.
Use AsObject to return a reference to the object. Ownership of the
object belongs to the TkbmMWAutoValue container.
Use AsMyObject to return a reference to the object and mark it as your
object. You will be responsible for freeing it.
- Added methods ToDataset, FromDataset, ListFromDataset to
Provides an easy way to convert arguments and results to and from datasets.
- Added Cron fluent method to IkbmMWScheduledEvent. It accepts a 5 or 6
part Unix cron value
which defines the interval.
- Added AtYears, AtMonths, AtDays, AtHours, AtMinutes, AtSeconds methods
to IkbmMWScheduledEvent
to give an alternative way to provide cron like schedules.
- Added SynchronizedAfterRun and AfterRun methods to IkbmMWScheduledEvent to
provide an anonymous function to be called after the schedule has run.
It is particular valuable on scheduling asynchronous operations via RunNow,
followed up with updating something with the result of the function.
- Added TkbmMWONSchedulerStorage for storing/retrieving schedules in any
object notation format.
- Added support for subscribing for raw messages using anonymous
function in WIB.
- Added Delete to TkbmMWORM taking primary key values alternative
specific field values.
- Added support for many more date formats for ORM data generators.
In addition to LOCAL, UTC and ISO8601, also RFC1123, NCSA,
- Generally many additional improvements on ORM.

- Fixed default true/false values for TkbmMWSQLiteMetaData.
- Fixed HTTP/REST/AJAX additional incorrect CRLF in output.
- Fixed serious bug in 32 bit random generators (kbmMWRandom.pas).
- Fixed NextGen issues in some parsing routines in kbmMWDateTime.pas.
- Fixed bugs in Query service wizard.
- Fixed some SQL rewriting bugs including adding support for DESCENDING
order by.
时间: 2024-10-09 23:32:44

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