Spark GraphX

1 Overview

GraphX is a new component in Spark for graphs and graph-parallel computation. At a high level, GraphX extends the Spark RDD by introducing a new Graph abstraction: a directed multigraph with properties attached to each vertex and edge. 
Migrating from Spark 1.1

2 Getting Started

3 The Property Graph

Example Property Graph

The EdgeTriplet class extends the Edge class by adding the srcAttr and dstAttr members which contain the source and destination properties respectively. 
4 Graph Operators

The core operators that have optimized implementations are defined in Graph and convenient operators that are expressed as a compositions of the core operators are defined in GraphOps. However, thanks to Scala implicits the operators in GraphOps are automatically available as members of Graph. For example, we can compute the in-degree of each vertex (defined in GraphOps) by the following:
4.1 Summary List of Operators

4.2 Property Operators


Each of these operators yields a new graph with the vertex or edge properties modified by the user defined map function.

Note that in each case the graph structure is unaffected. This is a key feature of these operators which allows the resulting graph to reuse the structural indices of the original graph.

eg: the first one does not preserve the structural indices and would not benefit from the GraphX system optimizations:
     val newVertices = { case (id, attr) => (id, mapUdf(id, attr)) }
     val newGraph = Graph(newVertices, graph.edges)
Instead, use mapVertices to preserve the indices:
     val newGraph = graph.mapVertices((id, attr) => mapUdf(id, attr))
4.3 Structural Operators


reverse: The reverse operator returns a new graph with all the edge directions reversed.

4.4 Join Operators


4.5 Neighborhood Aggregation



Aggregate Messages (aggregateMessages)
Map Reduce Triplets Transition Guide (Legacy)
Computing Degree Information
Collecting Neighbors

4.6 Caching and Uncaching


5 Pregel API

6 Graph Builders

7 Vertex and Edge RDDs
7.1 VertexRDDs

7.2 EdgeRDDs

8 Optimized Representation

9 Graph Algorithms

9.1 PageRank

9.2 Connected Components

9.3 Triangle Counting

10 Examples


时间: 2024-10-12 12:02:42

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Spark Graphx编程指南

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Spark GraphX 属性图操作

package Spark_GraphX import org.apache.spark.graphx._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object 属性图 { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf=new SparkConf().setAppName("SimpleGraphX").setM

大数据技术之_19_Spark学习_05_Spark GraphX 应用解析 + Spark GraphX 概述、解析 + 计算模式 + Pregel API + 图算法参考代码 + PageRank 实例

第1章 Spark GraphX 概述1.1 什么是 Spark GraphX1.2 弹性分布式属性图1.3 运行图计算程序第2章 Spark GraphX 解析2.1 存储模式2.1.1 图存储模式2.1.2 GraphX 存储模式2.2 vertices.edges 以及 triplets2.2.1 vertices2.2.2 edges2.2.3 triplets2.3 图的构建2.3.1 构建图的方法2.3.2 构建图的过程2.4 计算模式2.4.1 BSP 计算模式2.4.2 图操作一