The Boot Process at a Glance x86/x64系统启动过程解析


The Boot Process at a Glance

This section explains the boot process in sufficient detail to understand the system address map and other bus protocol-related matters that are explained later in this article. You need to have a clear understanding of the boot process before we get into the system address map and bus protocol-related talks.

The boot process in x86/x64 starts with the platform firmware (BIOS/UEFI) execution. The platform firmware execution happens prior to the operating system (OS) boot, specifically before the “boot loader” loads and executes the OS. Platform firmware execution can be summarized as follows:


  1. Start of execution in the CPU (processor) reset vector. In all platforms, the bootstrap processor (BSP) starts execution by fetching the instruction located in an address known as the reset vector. In x86/x64 this address is 4GB minus 16-bytes (FFFF_FFF0h). This address is always located in the BIOS/UEFI flash memory on the motherboard.
  2. CPU operating mode initialization. In this stage, the platform firmware switches the CPU to the platform firmware CPU operating mode; it could be real mode, “voodoo” mode, or flat protected mode, depending on the platform firmware. X86/x64 CPU resets in a modified real mode operating mode, i.e., real mode at physical address FFFF_FFF0h. Therefore, if the platform firmware CPU operating mode is flat protected mode, it must switch the CPU into that mode. Present-day platform firmware doesn’t use “voodoo” mode as extensively as in the past. In fact, most present-day platform firmware has abandoned its use altogether. For example, UEFI implementations use flat protected mode.
  3. Preparation for memory initialization. In this stage there are usually three steps carried out by the platform firmware code:
    1. CPU microcode update. In this step the platform firmware loads the CPU microcode update to the CPU.
    2. CPU-specific initialization. In x86/x64 CPUs since (at least) the Pentium III and AMD Athlon era, part of the code in this stage usually sets up a temporary stack known as cache-as-RAM (CAR), i.e., the CPU cache acts as temporary (writeable) RAM because at this point of execution there is no writable memory—the RAM hasn’t been initialized yet. Complex code in the platform firmware requires the use of a stack. In old BIOS, there is some sort of assembler macro trick for return address handling because by default the return address from a function call in x86/x64 is stored in a “read only” stack, but no writeable memory variable can be used. However, this old trick is not needed anymore, because all present-day CPUs support CAR. If you want to know more about CAR, you can consult the BIOS and Kernel Developer Guide (BKDG) for AMD Family 10h over at Section 2.3.3 of that document explains how to use the CPU L2 cache as general storage on boot. CAR is required because main memory (RAM) initialization is a complex task and requires the use of complex code as well. The presence of CAR is an invaluable help here. Aside from CAR setup, certain CPUs need to initialize some of its machine-specific registers (MSRs); the initialization is usually carried out in this step.
    3. Chipset initialization. In this step the chipset registers are initialized, particularly the chipset base address register (BAR). We’ll have a look deeper into BAR later. For the time being, it’s sufficient that you know BAR controls how the chip registers and memory (if the device has its own memory) are mapped to the system address map. In some chipsets, there is a watch dog timer that must be disabled before memory initialization because it could randomly reset the system. In that case, disabling the watch dog timer is carried out in this step.
  4. Main memory (RAM) initialization. In this step, the memory controller initialization happens. In the past, the memory controller was part of the chipset. Today, that’s no longer the case. The memory controller today is integrated into the CPU. The memory controller initialization and RAM initialization happens together as complementary code, because the platform firmware code must figure out the correct parameters supported by both the memory controller and the RAM modules installed on the system and then initialize both of the components into the “correct” setup.
  5. Post memory initialization. Before this step, the platform firmware code is executed from the flash ROM in the motherboard—and if CAR is enabled, the CPU cache acts as the stack. That’s painfully slow compared to “ordinary” code execution in RAM, especially with instructions fetched into the CPU, because the flash ROM is very slow compared to RAM. Therefore, the platform firmware binary usually copies itself to RAM in this step and continues execution there. In the previous step, the main memory (RAM) is initialized. However, there are several more steps required before the main memory (RAM) can be used to execute the platform firmware code:
    1. Memory test. This is a test performed to make sure RAM is ready to be used because it’s possible that some parts of the RAM are broken. The detail of how the test is carried out depends on the boot time requirement of the system. If the boot time requirement is very fast, in many cases it’s impossible to test all parts of the RAM and only some parts can be tested with some sort of statistical approach on which parts to test to make sure the test covers as wide parts as possible (statistically speaking).
    2. “Shadowing” the firmware to RAM. “Shadowing” in this context means copying the RAM from the flash ROM to the RAM at address range below the 1MB limit—1 mb is the old 20-bit address mapping limit set for DOS-era hardware. However, the copying is not a trivial copy, because the code will reside in the RAM but in the same address range previously occupied by the flash ROM—this is why it’s called “shadowing.” Some bit twiddling must be done on the chipset by the platform firmware code to control the mapping of the address range to the RAM and the flash ROM. Details of the “bit twiddling” are outside the scope of this article. You can read details of the mapping in the respective chipset datasheet.
    3. Redirecting memory transaction to the correct target. This is a continuation of the “shadowing” step. The details depends on the platform (CPU and chipset combination), and the runtime setup, i.e., whether to shadow the platform firmware or not at runtime (when the OS runs).
    4. Setting up the stack. This step sets up the stack (in RAM) to be used for further platform firmware code execution. In previous steps, the stack is assumed to be present in the CAR. In this step, the stack is switched from CAR to RAM because the RAM is ready to be used. This is important because the space for stack in CAR is limited compared to RAM.
    5. Transferring platform firmware execution to RAM. This is a “jump” to the platform firmware code which is “shadowed” to the RAM in step b.
  6. Miscellaneous platform enabling. This step depends on the specific system configuration, i.e., the motherboard and supporting chips. Usually, it consists of clock generator chip initialization, to run the platform at the intended speed, and in some platforms this step also consists of initializing the general purpose I/O (GPIO) registers.
  7. Interrupt enabling. Previous steps assume that the interrupt is not yet enabled because all of the interrupt hardware is not yet configured. In this step the interrupt hardware such as the interrupt controller(s) and the associated interrupt handler software are initialized. There are several possible interrupt controller hardware in x86/x64, i.e., the 8259 programmable interrupt controller (PIC), the local advanced programmable interrupt controller (LAPIC) present in most CPUs today, and the I/O advanced programmable interrupt controller (IOxAPIC) present in most chipsets today. After the hardware and software required to handle the interrupt are ready, the interrupt is enabled.
  8. Timer initialization. In this step, the hardware timer is enabled. The timer generates timer interrupt when certain interval is reached. OS and some applications running on top of the OS use the timer to work. There are also several possible pieces of hardware (or some combination) that could act as the timer in x86/x64 platform, i.e., the 8254 programmable interrupt timer (PIT) chip that resides in the chipset, the high precision event timer (HPET) also residing in the chipset—this timer doesn’t need initialization and is used only by the OS, real time clock (RTC) which also resides in the chipset, and the local APIC (LAPIC) timer present in the CPU.
  9. Memory caching control initialization. X86/x64 CPU contains memory type range registers (MTRRs) that controls the caching of all memory ranges addressable by the CPU. The caching of the memory ranges depends on the type of hardware present in the respective memory range and it must be initialized accordingly. For example, the memory range(s) occupied by I/O devices such as the PCI bus must be initialized as uncached address range(s)—memory range(s) in this context is as seen from the CPU point of view.
  10. Application processor(s) initialization. The non-bootstrap CPU (processor) core is called the application processor (AP) in some documentation; we will use the same naming here. In multicore x86/x64 CPUs, only the BSP is active upon reset. Therefore, the other cores—the AP—must be initialized accordingly before the OS boot-loader takes control of the system. One of the most important things to initialize in the AP is the MTRRs. The MTRRs must be consistent in all CPU cores, otherwise memory read and write could misbehave and bring the system to a halt.
  11. “Simple” I/O devices initialization. “Simple” IO devices in this context are hardware such as super IO (SIO), embedded controller, etc. This initialization depends on the system configuration. The SIO typically controls legacy IO, such as PS/2 and serial interfaces, etc. The embedded controller is mostly found on laptops, it controls things such as buttons on the laptop, the interface from the laptop motherboard to the battery, etc.
  12. PCI device discovery and initialization. In this step, PCI devices—by extension the PCIe devices and other devices connected to PCI-compatible bus—are detected and initialized. The devices detected in this step could be part of the chipset and/or other PCI devices in the system, either soldered to the motherboard or in the PCI/PCIe expansion slots. There are several resource assignments to the device happening in this step: IO space assignment, memory mapped IO (MMIO) space assignment, IRQ assignment (for devices that requires IRQ), and expansion ROM detection and execution. The assignment of memory or IO address space happens via the use of BAR. We’ll get into the detail in the PCI bus base address registers initialization section. USB devices initialization happens in this step as well because USB is a PCI bus-compatible protocol. Other non-legacy devices are initialized in this step as well, such as SATA, SPI, etc.
  13. OS boot-loader execution. This is where the platform firmware hands over the execution to the OS boot-loader, such as GRUB or LILO in Linux or the Windows OS loader.

Now, the boot process carried out by the platform firmware should be clear to you. Particularly the steps where the system address map is initialized in relation to PCI devices, namely step 3c and step 12. All of these steps deal with the BAR in the PCI chip or part of the chipset.



时间: 2024-08-28 18:20:42

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