




We use the spatial vector model to digitize the document content: the vector space model represents the document as a vector.

用特征向量(T1,W1;T2,W2;T3, W3;…;Tn,Wn)表示文档。

The eigenvectors (T1, W1; T2, W2; T3, W3; ... ; Tn, Wn) represents the document.

    • Ti是词条项  ti is term
    • Wi是Ti在文档中的重要程度 (Wi is the importance of term Ti in the document)


Think of a document as a set of independent phrases

把T1,T2 …,Tn看成一个n 维坐标系中的坐标轴

T1, T2... Tn as an n - dimensional coordinate system


Each term is assigned a certain weight, Wi, according to its importance, as the coordinate value of the corresponding coordinate axis.


Weighted Wi is represented by word frequency, which is divided into absolute word frequency and relative word frequency.

  • 绝对词频,即用词在文本中出现的频率表示文本。Absolute word frequency, that is, the frequency of words in the text represents the text.
  • 相对词频,即为归一化的词频,目前使用 最为频繁的是TF*IDF(Term Frequency * Inverse Document Frequency)TF乘IDF The relative word frequency is the normalized word frequency, and TF*IDF is the most frequently used at present

将文档量化了之后我们很容易看出D1与Q更相似~因为D1与Q的夹角小,我们可以用余弦cos表示After quantifying the document, it‘s easy to see that D1 is more similar to Q ~ because the Angle between D1 and Q is small, we can express it in terms of cosine cosine of theta

分析一下这个例子:analyze this example

有三个文档D1,D2,Q there have three documents D1,D2,Q

这三个文档一共出现了三个词条,我们分别用T1,T2,T3表示  this documents appears three terms,we present them by using T1,T2,T3 individualy




T1 has a weight of 2, T2 has a weight of 3, and T3 has a weight of 5 in document D1

T1 has a weight of 0,  T2 has a weight of 7,  T3 has a weight of 1 in document D2

T1 has a weight of 0, T2 has a weight of 0, and T3 has a weight of 2 in document D3

  D1 D2 Q
T1 2 3 0
T2 3 7 0
T3 3 1 2


tf:tf(d,t) 表示词条t 在文档d 中的出现次数

Tf (d,t) represents the number of occurrences of  term t in document d

idf:idf(t)=log N/df(t)

  • df(t)  表示词条t 在文本集合中出现过的文本数目(词条t在哪些文档出现过) the  number of occurences of document in all doucuments  ,which term t appear in documents

  • N 表示文本总数  N represent the  numbers of all documents


For term t and a document d, the formula for calculating the weight of term in that dpcument d is:

  • 特征向量(T1,W1;T2,W2;T3, W3;…;Tn,Wn)就可以求出了!

Eigenvectors (T1, W1; T2, W2; T3, W3; ... ; Tn, Wn, that‘s it!




If an term t appears in almost every document, then:

idf(t)=log N/df(t)


near 0,w(t) is also tend to zero,then make the weight of this term in the dicument is small ,so the distinction of this term in document is very low


In English, such as a,of,is,in... Such words, called stop words, have little effect on distinguishing documents but appear in almost every document, and the benefits of idf come out

我们通常根据w(d,t)值的大小,选择指定数目的词条作为文本的特征项,生成文本的特征向量(去掉停用词)We usually select a specified number of entries as text feature items based on the size of the w(d,t) value, and generate text feature vectors (minus stop words).


On the one hand, this algorithm highlights the words needed by users in the document, while on the other hand, it eliminates the influence of terms that appear frequently in the text but have nothing to do with the semantic meaning of the document

文本间相似性 :


Now, the usual way of doing it based on vector space models, we mentioned earlier that you can do it with cosines, so let me go through the steps



In order to improve the efficiency of calculation, x‘=x/|x|,y‘=y/|y|; When calculating the similarity between two documents in large quantities, in order to reduce the amount of computation, So let‘s first unit the document vector





We can calculate the value of tf*idf as the weight of the eigenvector

Then the similarity is determined by calculating the cosine between the eigenvectors


时间: 2024-11-09 23:34:38



[[(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], [(0, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (8, 1), (9, 2), (10, 1)], [(0, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 1), (10, 1)]] 例如(9,2)这个元素代表第二篇文档中id为9的单词“silver”出现了2次. 有了这些信息,我们就可以基于这些“训练文档”计算一个TF-IDF


使用余弦定理计算两篇文章的相似性:(方法论,细致易懂版) http://blog.csdn.net/dearwind153/article/details/52316151 python 实现(代码): http://outofmemory.cn/code-snippet/35172/match-text-release (结巴分词下载及安装:http://www.cnblogs.com/kaituorensheng/p/3595879.html) java 实现(代码+方法描述): https


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package com.etoak.simHash; import com.hankcs.hanlp.seg.common.Term; import com.hankcs.hanlp.tokenizer.StandardTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.safety.Whitelist; import java.math.BigInteg


知道原理的同学这部分可以略过直接看实践部分 什么是TD-IDF? 构造文档模型 我们这里使用空间向量模型来数据化文档内容:向量空间模型中将文档表达为一个矢量. 用特征向量(T1,W1:T2,W2:T3, W3:…:Tn,Wn)表示文档. Ti是词条项,Wi是Ti在文档中的重要程度, 即将文档看作是由一组相互独立的词条组构成,把T1,T2 …,Tn看成一个n 维坐标系中的坐标轴,对于每一词条,根据其重要程度赋以一定的权值Wi,作为对应坐标轴的坐标值. 权重Wi用词频表示,词频分为绝对词频和相对词频

计算两组标签相似度算法——levenshtein distance 编辑距离算法

标签在数据分析中起到很重要的作用,给用户打标签,给商品打标签,给新闻打标签,好的标签可以为我们后期分析数据时提供很大的便利.有时我们需要计算两个对象之间标签的相似度.目前学习的算法是levenshtein distance 编辑距离算法. 代码示例: //标签相似度 public static double levenshtein(String s1, String s2) { System.out.println("levenshtein str1:"+s1+" str2:


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