UWP VirtualizedVariableSizedGridView 支持可虚拟化可变大小Item的View(二)

上篇UWP VirtualizedVariableSizedGridView 支持可虚拟化可变大小Item的View(一) 讲到该控件的需要和设计过程。





        public IAsyncOperation<LoadMoreItemsResult> LoadMoreItemsAsync(uint count)
            IAsyncOperation<LoadMoreItemsResult> result = rowAdapter.LoadMoreItemsAsync(count);
            if (rowAdapter.Count > 0)
                for (int i = this.Count; i < rowAdapter.Count; i++)
                    if (rowAdapter.SourceList.Count / rowAdapter.rowItemsCount > i)
                        var item = this.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                        if (item == null)
                            this.Insert(i, rowAdapter[i]);

            return result;


也就是说。当满15个Item的时候我们才插入第1个Row Item,当满30个Item的时候我们插入第2个Row Item......


        public bool HasMoreItems
                var hasMoreItems = rowAdapter.HasMoreItems;

                if (!hasMoreItems)
                    if (rowAdapter.Count > 0 && this.Count < rowAdapter.Count)
                        for (int i = this.Count; i < rowAdapter.Count; i++)
                            //sometime it will miss some indexs in LoadMoreItemsAsync method,
                            //if hasMoreItems is false, that means not more items,
                            //so at that monment we should add the missed items.
                            //if (rowAdapter.SourceList.Count / rowAdapter.rowItemsCount <= i)
                                var item = this.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                                if (item == null)
                                    this.Insert(i, rowAdapter[i]);
                return hasMoreItems;

当HasMoreItems为false的时候,就是说这个源不会有更多的数据了,所以这时候我们应该把剩余的Item都加入到下一个Row Item里面去。

2.当Window size 改变的时候,实现不同的可变大小结构。

public class ResizeableItems : List<ResizeableItem>


比如window 最小的时候这种结构。

                list = new List<Resizable>();
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });

                var c1 = new ResizeableItem() { Columns = 2, Items = list,               Min = windowMinwidth + +1, Max = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 1 };

设置GirdView里面的每个Item的宽高比2:1,设置ResizeableItem的最小和最大值,这个意思就是当window 到达MIn和Max的这个区间的时候就使用这个结构。

然后也设置出其它的结构样式。(PS:我这里还没找到Get 最小window 宽度的办法,好像只能设置,如果有办法的朋友请留言一下)

                 _resizeableItems = new ResizeableItems();

                //ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().SetPreferredMinSize(new Windows.Foundation.Size(200, 200));

                double windowMinwidth = 500;
                double windowMaxwidth = DeviceInfo.DeviceScreenSize.Width;
                double rangwidth = (windowMaxwidth - windowMinwidth) / 4.0;

                #region 4
                var list = new List<Resizable>();
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });

                var c4 = new ResizeableItem() { Columns = 4, Items = list, Min = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 3 + 1, Max = double.PositiveInfinity };

                #region 3
                list = new List<Resizable>();
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });

                var c3 = new ResizeableItem() { Columns = 3, Items = list, Min = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 2 + 1, Max = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 3 };

                #region 2
                list = new List<Resizable>();
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 2 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 1, Height = 1 });

                var c2 = new ResizeableItem() { Columns = 2, Items = list, Min = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 1 + 1, Max = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 2 };

                #region 1
                list = new List<Resizable>();
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });
                list.Add(new Resizable() { Width = 2, Height = 1 });

                var c1 = new ResizeableItem() { Columns = 2, Items = list, Min = windowMinwidth + +1, Max = windowMinwidth + rangwidth * 1 };



        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            if (!PlatformIndependent.IsWindowsPhoneDevice)
            return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);

         private void OnMeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            if (ItemsSource != null && ItemsSource is IResizeableItems && availableSize != Size.Empty)
                var resizeableItem = ResizeableItems.GetItem(availableSize.Width);

                if (resizeableItem != null)
                    resizeableItem.ItemWidth = (int)(availableSize.Width / resizeableItem.Columns - 7);

                    foreach (var item in this.Items)
                        var gridviewItem = this.ContainerFromItem(item) as ListViewItem;
                        //not null, it‘s in viewport, so it need to update.
                        if (gridviewItem != null && gridviewItem.ContentTemplateRoot != null)
                            var gridview = gridviewItem.ContentTemplateRoot as VariableSizedGridView;
                            gridview.ResizeableItem = null;
                            gridview.ResizeableItem = resizeableItem;






Default style

When the ListView‘s ItemsPanel is an ItemsStackPanel (the default) or ItemsWrapGrid, this template is used to show the data items. This template uses aListViewItemPresenter instead of a UIElement tree to improve grid performance.


<!-- Default style for Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ListViewItem -->
<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{ThemeResource ContentControlThemeFontFamily}" />
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{ThemeResource ControlContentThemeFontSize}" />
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"/>
    <Setter Property="TabNavigation" Value="Local"/>
    <Setter Property="IsHoldingEnabled" Value="True"/>
    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,18,2"/>
    <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left"/>
    <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Top"/>
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="ListViewItem">
                    ContentTransitions="{TemplateBinding ContentTransitions}"
                    Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}"
                    CheckHintBrush="{ThemeResource ListViewItemCheckHintThemeBrush}"
                    CheckSelectingBrush="{ThemeResource ListViewItemCheckSelectingThemeBrush}"
                    CheckBrush="{ThemeResource ListViewItemCheckThemeBrush}"
                    DragBackground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemDragBackgroundThemeBrush}"
                    DragForeground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemDragForegroundThemeBrush}"
                    FocusBorderBrush="{ThemeResource ListViewItemFocusBorderThemeBrush}"
                    PlaceholderBackground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemPlaceholderBackgroundThemeBrush}"
                    PointerOverBackground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush}"
                    SelectedBorderThickness="{ThemeResource ListViewItemCompactSelectedBorderThemeThickness}"
                    SelectedBackground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush}"
                    SelectedForeground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemSelectedForegroundThemeBrush}"
                    SelectedPointerOverBackground="{ThemeResource ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush}"
                    SelectedPointerOverBorderBrush="{ThemeResource ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBorderThemeBrush}"
                    DisabledOpacity="{ThemeResource ListViewItemDisabledThemeOpacity}"
                    DragOpacity="{ThemeResource ListViewItemDragThemeOpacity}"
                    ReorderHintOffset="{ThemeResource ListViewItemReorderHintThemeOffset}"
                    HorizontalContentAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}"
                    VerticalContentAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}"
                    ContentMargin="4" />

When the ListView‘s ItemsPanel is not an ItemsStackPanel (the default) or ItemsWrapGrid, this template is used to show the data items. This template uses aUIElement tree and visual states instead of a ListViewItemPresenter.




1.UI Virtualized


实际Debug,也发现,Live Visual Tree里面有3个ListViewItem.

感觉内存中不需要这么多个ListViewItem 来循环回收利用,我的猜想是微软做了上下各一个Item的缓存来提高Scrolling的流畅。

但对于这个控件来说,内存里面的UI Item 会有3*15个,因为我们知道VariableSizedWrapGrid是不支持UI虚拟化的。




时间: 2024-10-11 13:42:05

UWP VirtualizedVariableSizedGridView 支持可虚拟化可变大小Item的View(二)的相关文章

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一.前提: cpu支持Inter VT-X或AMD虚拟化技术,具体参考官网说明. 二.问题描述: 物理机下,vmware workstation能安装64位CentOS系统,处理器Inter i3 M390,且支持Inter VT-X虚拟化技术,物理机BIOS中已打开Inter虚拟化开关(自己找),既然能安装64位系统,说明物理机BIOS中支持虚拟化开关已打开. 半虚拟化为pae 全虚拟化为vmx(Inter).svm(AMD) # uname -r 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64


vmware --> 左侧选择具体的计算机 --> 右键选择 设置 --> 处理器 --> 把 虚拟化 Intel VT-x/EPT 或 AMD-V.RVI(V) 勾上 --> 重启虚拟机. [[email protected] ~]# egrep "lm|vmx|svm" /proc/cpuinfo 如果匹配到内容即表示已支持kvm虚拟化. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/12555197/2309687