

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------(4)angular js

level4 当我们需要打印多次product name 和product price的时候,我们要重复利用这2行代码 如果要传入string,那么用“” 里面包含‘’.利用ng-include 加载页面以后,用ajax call来拿到需要include的page ---------------------------分割线----------------------------- a better way to include html template is to create custom

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------(3)angular js

level 3 Forms and Models 如何添加和显示review? review内容作为product的内容的一部分!放在app.js文件里面 在html显示页面里面,增加一个循环来显示review的内容 我们如何把表单要填写的内容和我们要显示的内容进行绑定呢? 通过ng-model directive!!! 另外2个two-way binding example, radio button和check box 练习code 1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------(1) javascript

javascript 1. 转义字符 \\ 打印出来是\   \n 打印出来是回车 2. 比较string时候可以用 == 不像java比较的是2个指针了 哈哈 "A" == "B" 3. 变量定义及赋值 //to do -----------------------------------------------------------

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------Bootstrap (level 1)

level 1 framework defination: bootstrap file structure: Adding bootstrp to our html: bootstrap relays on jquery, so we also need to add jquery inside out page The container class the container-fluid class practice code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html>

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------Bootstrap (level 2)

level2 responsive design rows: columns: we can use multiple columns: we can use .col-md-* we can do something like this Adding row, make code easier to read popular blogs with siding bar leave one column as padding Empty column much better way to lea

全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------Bootstrap (level 3)

level3 Typography: How can we use  bootstraps to make our lead text stand out more? .lead class centering text: using the .text-* in bootstrap front we have a image library using icon the icon looks so small, as bootstrap set font to 14, we need to o


1.如何计算一个函数运行的时间 import time #导入time模块 start=time.time() #返回从unix诞生到现在为止的时间,单位是秒 print(start) def haha(): print("希望你开心") end=time.time() print(end) print(end-start) 输出: ==================== RESTART: C:/Users/dell1/Desktop/1.py ===================




1.列表生成式 >>> [i**2 for i in range(10)] [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] 这个过程是从range(10)列表中依次取元素,计算元素的平方,再放到另一个列表中 2.可以把[1]中的代码写成这种形式 >>> def f(x): return x**2 >>> [f(i) for i in range(10)] [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]