level4 当我们需要打印多次product name 和product price的时候,我们要重复利用这2行代码 如果要传入string,那么用“” 里面包含‘’.利用ng-include 加载页面以后,用ajax call来拿到需要include的page ---------------------------分割线----------------------------- a better way to include html template is to create custom
level 1 framework defination: bootstrap file structure: Adding bootstrp to our html: bootstrap relays on jquery, so we also need to add jquery inside out page The container class the container-fluid class practice code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html>
level2 responsive design rows: columns: we can use multiple columns: we can use .col-md-* we can do something like this Adding row, make code easier to read popular blogs with siding bar leave one column as padding Empty column much better way to lea
level3 Typography: How can we use bootstraps to make our lead text stand out more? .lead class centering text: using the .text-* in bootstrap front we have a image library using icon the icon looks so small, as bootstrap set font to 14, we need to o