Service and controller in angularJs

Separation of concern is at the heart while designing an AngularJS application. Your controller must be responsible for binding model data to views using $scope. It does not contain logic to fetch the data or manipulating it.

For that we must create singleton objects called services. AngularJS can manage these service objects. Wherever we want to use the service, we just have to specify its name and AngularJS auto-magically inject these objects (more on this later).

Thus service is a stateless object that contains some useful functions. These functions can be called from anywhere; Controllers, Directive, Filters etc. Thus we can divide our application in logical units. The business logic or logic to call HTTP url to fetch data from server can be put within a service object.

Putting business and other logic within services has many advantages. First it fulfills the principle of separation of concern or segregation of duties. Each component is responsible for its own work making application more manageable. Second this way each component can be more testable. AngularJS provides first class support for unit testing. Thus we can quickly write tests for our services making them robust and less error prone.

And I must say that reference [1] is really a good article!



时间: 2024-07-29 00:03:32

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@Repository、@Service、@Controller 和 @Component

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Spring注解@Component.@Repository.@Service.@Controller区别 spring 2.5 中除了提供 @Component 注释外,还定义了几个拥有特殊语义的注释,它们分别是:@Repository.@Service 和 @Controller.在目前的 Spring 版本中,这 3 个注释和 @Component 是等效的,但是从注释类的命名上,很容易看出这 3 个注释分别和持久层.业务层和控制层(Web 层)相对应.虽然目前这 3 个注释和 @Comp


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