VMware vSphere Management Assistant Guide




部署完成后,打开虚拟机电源,在控制台窗口分别设置IPv4、netmask、hostname、IPv4 gateway、dns。设置完成后,按1退出程序。接着更改vi-admin用户密码。密码要求如下:

  • 9个字符
  • 1个大写
  • 1个小写
  • 1个数字
  • 一个$或者#


[email protected]:~> sudo passwd root


[email protected]:~> sudo passwd vi-user

vi-admin‘s password:

Changing password for vi-user.

New password:

Retype new password:

Password changed.


[email protected]:~> vifp addserver vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn

Enter username for vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn: [email protected]

[email protected]@vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn‘s password:

This will store username and password in credential store which is a security risk. Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes

[email protected]:~> vifp listservers --long

vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn vCenter fpauth

[email protected]:~> vifp addserver node01.xzxj.edu.cn

[email protected]‘s password:

[email protected]:~> vifp addserver node02.xzxj.edu.cn

[email protected]‘s password:


[email protected]:~> vifp listservers --long

vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn vCenter fpauth

node01.xzxj.edu.cn ESXi fpauth

node02.xzxj.edu.cn ESXi fpauth



[email protected]:~/bin> chown vi-admin:root vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl

[email protected]:~/bin> chown vi-admin:root healthCheck.conf


[email protected]:~> vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server vcenter.xzxj.edu.cn --username [email protected] --config bin/healthCheck.conf --type vcenter

Enter password:

Generating VMware vSphere Health Report v5.5.0 "vmware_health_report.html" ...

This can take a few minutes depending on the size of your environment.

Get a cup of coffee/tea/beer and check out http://www.virtuallyghetto.com

Wide character in print at /home/vi-admin/bin/vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 554.

Wide character in print at /home/vi-admin/bin/vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3582.

Wide character in print at /home/vi-admin/bin/vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3896.

Start Time: 11-17-2014 21:31:00

End Time: 11-17-2014 21:31:21

Duration : 21 Seconds


参考文献: VMware vSphere Management Assistant Guide

时间: 2024-12-22 12:43:49

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