How to Set up VPN DHCP Relay on Vigor 2960 - DrayTek Corp

In this note, we will demonstrate how to set up DHCP Relay over VPN on Vigor2960, and we use vigor2860 as DHCP server.

A. Configuration on Vigor 2860 (DHCP server)

Set up LAN profile: Go to LAN >> General Setup, click on Details Page to set up.

  1. Enter a IP Address.
  2. Select Enable Server in DHCP Server Configuration.
  3. Enter Start IP Address and set Gateway IP Address as Vigor 2960‘s LAN IP.
  4. Click OK to save.

Note: The Gateway IP has to be set as Vigor2960‘s LAN IP to give the correct routing to LAN clients when they establish VPN tunnel to Vigor2960 as their default route.

B. Configuration on Vigor 2960 (VPN Server)


  1. Set up LAN profile: Go to LAN >> General Setup, and click on lan1 to Edit.

    1. Enter a IP Address.
    2. Disable DHCP Server.
    3. Apply the configuration.

      Note: To avoid IP conflicts, remember to set different address for Vigor2960 and Vigor2860‘s LAN IP.

  2. Create an user profile for remote dial-in client: Go to User Management >> User Profile, click Add to add a user profile.

    1. Enter Username, Password, and Enable this profile.
    2. Enable PPTP Dial-in.
    3. Apply the configuration.
  3. Set up DHCP Relay for remote clients: Go to VPN and Remote Access >> PPP General Setup >> PPTP.

    1. Enable DHCP Relay, then select lan1 as DHCP Server Location, and enter Vigor 2860 (DHCP server)‘s LAN IP as DHCP Server IP Address.
    2. Apply the configuration.
  4. To check the connection status, go to VPN and Remote Access >> Connection Management >> Connection Management.


时间: 2024-12-29 11:37:01

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