fedora 安装vmwear

Fedora 13下安装后缀为bundle文件,网上的说法很多,最普遍的方法是:


第一步:sudo chmod +x ****.bundle

第二步:sudo ./****.bundle


而且每次都弹出root access is required for the operations you have chosen. 的错误提示。原因是:




然后执行:./软件名  就可以了。


[[email protected] ~]$ cd /media/Pro_Docs/Linux_VMware

[[email protected] Linux_VMware]$ ls


[[email protected] Linux_VMware]$ ./VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.1-227600.i386.bundleExtracting VMware Installer...done.

[[email protected] Linux_VMware]$ su


[[email protected] Linux_VMware]# ./VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.1-227600.i386.bundle

Extracting VMware Installer...done.


时间: 2024-11-07 13:37:52

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