

__ 0 - 8 Bit Constant Write
__ 1 - 16 Bit Constant Write
__ 2 - 32 Bit Constant Write
__ 3 - Increment / Decrement
__ 4 - 32-bit Multiple Address Write
__ 5 - Copy Bytes
__ 6 - Pointer Write
__ 7 - 32 Bit Boolean
__ 8 - Find and Replace
__ 9 - Execute Data
__ A - (not implemented)
__ B - (not implemented)
__ C - (not implemented)
__ D - Boolean: Half (Aka: Joker)
__ E - Line Specific Boolean: Half (Aka: Line Specific Joker)
__ F - Extended Command Structure
__ F0 - IOP 8 Bit Constant Write
__ F1 - IOP 16 Bit Constant Write
__ F2 - IOP 32 Bit Constant Write
__ F3 - (not implemented)
__ F4 - (not implemented)
__ F5 - (not implemented)
__ F6 - (not implemented)
__ F7 - (not implemented)
__ F8 - (not implemented)
__ F9 - (not implemented)
__ FA - (not implemented)
__ FB - (not implemented)
__ FC - (not implemented)
__ FD - (not implemented)
__ FE - (not implemented)
__ FF - (not implemented)

The information on the command structure:

-== Code Command Information ==-

0, 1, 2, F0, F1, F2

-- Constant Writes (0, 1, 2, F0, F1, F2) --

Code Setup (0, 1, 2): CAAAAAAA DDDDDDDD
Code Setup (F0, F1, F2): CCAAAAAA DDDDDDDD
C - Command
A - Address
D - Data

If not jokered, these codes are constantly writing the given data to the specified address.



-- Increment / Decrement --

8 Bit Increment
300000nn aaaaaaaa

8 Bit Decrement
301000nn aaaaaaaa

16 Bit Increment
3020nnnn aaaaaaaa

16 Bit Decrement
3030nnnn aaaaaaaa

32 Bit Increment
30400000 aaaaaaaa
nnnnnnnn 00000000

32 Bit Decrement
30500000 aaaaaaaa
nnnnnnnn 00000000

a = Address
n = Amount To Increase / Decrease

Increments or decrements the value contained at the address by the amount of data given every time this code is applied by the cheat engine.



-- 32 Bit Multiple Address Write --

4aaaaaaa wwwwssss
dddddddd nnnnnnnn

a = Starting Address
w = Number Of Lines To Write
s = Number Of Lines To Skip
d = Data To Write
n = Ammount To Increase Given Data By

Writes the given data to the address specified. It also writes the same data to as many lines specified. The data can be increased for each line, and the number of lines to write can be spaced out rather than being consecutive.



-- Copy Bytes --

5fffffff nnnnnnnn
tttttttt 00000000

f = Address To Copy From
t = Address To Copy To
n = Number Of Bytes To Copy

Copies the given number of bytes from the first address, and writes those bytes to the second address.



-- Pointer Write --

Pointer start
6aaaaaaa nnnnnnnn
0600iiii *n
FFFFFFFF (Padding if needed, used to prevent null address + data lines)

Example 1 (No Padding Needed):
60100000 00000003
06000001 06000001
06000001 02000004
12345678 00000000

Example 2 (Padding Needed):
60100000 00000001
06000001 02000004
00000000 FFFFFFFF (Storing null data will cause us to NEED padding to prevent the double null)

a = Starting pointer address
n = Number of points
c = Write type (8 / 16 / 32 Bit): 1 - Byte 2 - Half 3 - Word
d = Data to write

Reads the address from the given address, and writes the given data to that address. If more than one pointer are needed, then it will keep reading the address contained at the current address it has loaded for as many pointers specified (n) and write the data to the final address.



-- 32 Bit Boolean --

7aaaaaaa dddddddd

a = Address to read
d = Data to compare

Compares the 32 bit data located at the address to the provided 32 bit data in the code. If the values are not equal, the code chunk assigned to this command will not be executed. If the values are equal, then they will.



-- Find and Replace --

8 Bit Search
8aaaaaaa 000000ff
000000rr 0000iiii

16 Bit Search
8aaaaaaa 0000ffff
0000rrrr 0010iiii

32 Bit Search
8aaaaaaa ffffffff
rrrrrrrr 0020iiii

a = Address to start
f = Data to find
r = Data to replace with
i = Search count

Searches for the first data, and replaces any matches with the second data. The search count is to limit how much it will search.



-- Execute Data --

9fffffff aaaaaaaa

f = Address of function (also called a sub routine)
a = Argument sent to function (sent in register a0)

In basic terms, best method to hook routines without having to find a hook in the game.



-- Line Specific Boolean Half --

Eaaaaaaa nnnidddd

a = Address to read
n = Number of lines assigned to boolean
i = Check if equal, or if not equal (0 = equal, 1 = not equal)
d = Data to check


Checks if the 16 bit data at the address is equal (if i is 0) or not equal (if i is 1) to the 16 bit data given. If the check returns True, then the number of code lines assigned to the boolean will be executed. If the check returns False, then the number of code lines will be skipped.
时间: 2024-08-02 08:07:46


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Winkawaks (温科沃克斯)win+ka(日文)+wa(也是日文)+k+s 最好的街机模拟器之一,与Nebula和MAME齐名,支持的游戏的有CAPCOM公司的CPS1,CPS2所有游戏,如三国志,恐龙新世纪,名将,街霸,圆桌骑士,龙与地下城等 和SNK公司的NEOGEO(MVS)大部分游戏如拳皇,合金弹头,彩京1945,侍魂,饿狼,月华等(相信大家都在街机上玩过吧),支持多重画面显示处理特效,运行游戏的速度在这三个模拟器是最快的,而且系统要求极低,软件,在各大模拟网站都可以下到最新版,想


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题意是这样: 一颗高为h的完美二叉树,根节点为1,标号为i的结点的左右儿子标号分别为2*i,2*i+1 q次操作,i,l,r,ans ans==0时,代表在第i层,出口的祖先不在[l,r]之间 ans==1时,代表在第i层,出口的祖先在[l,r]之间 若出口(出口一定在叶子上)唯一则输出它的标号,不唯一或无解则分别输出对应的串 我想到的做法很显然,把所有ans==1的子树的叶子区间全部算出来,遍历所有区间, 不断做交集,若不出现交集则无解,于是结果必然是得到一个唯一区间x,出口一定在这里面. 把

魔兽争霸3 replay 格式

******************************************************************************* * WarCraft III Replay file format description * * * * document version: 1.18 * * document date : 2007-06-26 * * document authors: blue, nagger * * * * For more informtion


导读 Linux系统中,我们经常会用man命令来帮助查看这个命令的具体用法,man是很强大的,但是英语不好的同学用man用起来可能不那么顺手,自然而然的就出现了cheat命令,cheat命令就是通过简单的实例告诉你一个命令的具体使用方法,它被创建的目的是帮助系统管理员记住常用的系统命令. 1. Cheat介绍 cheat通过实例告诉使用者一些命令的具体使用方法. 2. Cheat例子 例如当时想要知道tar命令具体是如何使用的,你可以使用下面命令查看: cheat tar #你会看到像下面一样的