


SED的英文全称为Stream EDitor,中文称流编辑器。默认情况下,它会一行一行的读取文件中的内容,在了解其工作原理之前,首先我们得先知道一下几个概念:

1.模式空间(pattern buffer):sed从文件中读取行首先会放到模式空间中进行执行和处理,定义的sed命令都是在这里执行的,默认情况下会逐行的读,逐行的处理,除非你做了行定界。

2.保持空间(hold buffer):在处理完模式空间的一些行的时候,我们有可能需要一个临时的地方去存放模式空间中的内容,这时候就可以将模式空间中的内容放到保持空间了。








sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]...


[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘‘ /etc/fstab 

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Wed Sep  6 11:16:57 2017
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under ‘/dev/disk‘
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/mapper/cl-root     /                       xfs     defaults        0 0
UUID=0ab24855-5180-4d3e-a61d-99ca54711c2c /boot                   xfs     defaults        0 0
/dev/mapper/cl-swap     swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
[[email protected] ~]#
[[email protected] ~]# sed -n ‘‘ /etc/fstab
[[email protected] ~]#


-e script:指定多个命令

[[email protected] ~]# cat poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain
[[email protected] ~]# sed -e ‘1d‘ -e ‘10d‘ poetry
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


-f  /path/to/script:把sed的编辑命令放在文件中,注意每一行一个命令:

[[email protected] ~]# cat sed_script.txt    #编辑命令存放的文本文件
[[email protected] ~]# sed -f sed_script.txt poetry
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 





[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 



[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘2d‘ poetry  #当判断为第二行的时候,会删除第二行
1)Never give up,
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain


[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘/As/ d‘ poetry  #删除被模式匹配的行
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘$ d‘ poetry  #删除最后一行
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,



[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘1,9 d‘ poetry  #删除了1-9行
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘1,+3 d‘ poetry #删除第一行,和第一行往下的3行,也就是一直删除到第四行
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘2,/smile/ d‘ poetry  #删除第二行至被smile匹配的行,smile被第九行匹配
1)Never give up,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘/Always/,/put/ d‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 



[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘1~2 d‘ poetry  #显示偶数行
2)Never lose hope.
4)It allows you to cope.
6)As they always do.
8)Your dreams will come true.
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
12)And strength you will gain
[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘2~2 d‘ poetry   #显示奇数行
1)Never give up,
3)Always have faith,
5)Trying times will pass,
7)Just have patience,
9)So put on a smile,
11)Know it will pass, 




[[email protected] ~]# sed   ‘p‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain
12)And strength you will gain
[[email protected] ~]# sed -n  ‘p‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


a test:在行后面追加文本"test",可以使用\n实现多行追加

[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘1 a hi i am here\nhey ‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
hi i am here
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 

i test:在 行前面插入文本test,支持使用\n实现多行插入

[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘2i  hi i am here\nhey ‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
hi i am here
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 

c test:把匹配到的行替换为此处指定的行

[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘2c  hi i am here ‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
hi i am here
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 

w /path/to/somefile:保存模式空间中匹配到的内容到指定的文件中

[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘/So/  w  /tmp/poetry‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain
[[email protected] ~]#
[[email protected] ~]# cat /tmp/poetry
9)So put on a smile,  

r /path/from/somefile:读取指定文件的内容至当前文件中被模式匹配的行后面

[[email protected] ~]# cat poetry2.txt
13)yes! I can!
[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘12 r poetry2.txt‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain
13)yes! I can!


[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘/Never/ =‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘/Never/ !d‘ poetry  #不删除被默认匹配的行
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.  

s///:查找替换,分割符可以自定义,比如使用[email protected]@@flag或者s###flag,默认会替换被匹配的第一个位置,但是可以添加替换标记:


[[email protected] ~]# cat poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain
[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘s/\<you\>/your/g‘ poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows your to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength your will gain 

sed默认支持的基本的正则表达式,使用-r, --regexp-extended选项可以支持扩展的正则表达式。


[[email protected] ~]# sed -r ‘[email protected]^[[:space:]][email protected]@g‘ /boot/grub2/grub.cfg


[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘s/^#[[:space:]]*//g‘ /etc/fstab


[[email protected] ~]# echo "/var/log/messages" | sed -r ‘[email protected][^/]+/[email protected]@‘
[[email protected] ~]#
[[email protected] ~]# echo "/var/log/messages/" | sed -r ‘[email protected][^/]+/[email protected]@‘




[[email protected] ~]# cat poetry
1)Never give up,
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


[[email protected] ~]# sed -n ‘n;p‘ poetry  #只显示偶数行
2)Never lose hope.
4)It allows you to cope.
6)As they always do.
8)Your dreams will come true.
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
12)And strength you will gain 

sed -n ‘n;p‘ poetry

[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘1!G;h;$!d‘  poetry  #逆序显示
12)And strength you will gain
11)Know it will pass,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
9)So put on a smile,
8)Your dreams will come true.
7)Just have patience,
6)As they always do.
5)Trying times will pass,
4)It allows you to cope.
3)Always have faith,
2)Never lose hope.
1)Never give up, 

sed ‘1!G;h;$!d‘ poetry

[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘$!d‘  poetry  #只保留最后一行,类似tail -1
12)And strength you will gain 

sed ‘$!d‘ poetry

[[email protected] ~]# sed  ‘$!N;$!D‘ poetry  #取出最后两行
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 

sed ‘$!N;$!D‘ poetry

[[email protected] ~]# sed ‘G‘ poetry  #在每一行的后面添加一个空白行
1)Never give up,  

2)Never lose hope.  

3)Always have faith,  

4)It allows you to cope.  

5)Trying times will pass,  

6)As they always do.  

7)Just have patience,  

8)Your dreams will come true.  

9)So put on a smile,  

10)You‘ll live through your pain.  

11)Know it will pass,  

12)And strength you will gain 

sed ‘G‘ poetry









[[email protected] ~]# cat teleplay
[[email protected] ~]# sed -n ‘
[email protected]\[email protected],@
/请回答/!b label
[email protected]^@---@
p‘ teleplay




[email protected]\[email protected],@,将换行符替换为逗号;这样原来的两行就变成了一行;

3./请回答/!b label,判断这一行中是否有“请回答”三个字符,如果没有则直接跳到":label",然后执行打印"p",打印模式空间中的内容,如果有则执行"[email protected]^@[email protected]",将在行首添加字符"---"。




[[email protected] ~]# sed -n ‘
> h;n;H;x
> s/\n/,/
> :loop
> /白夜追凶/s/^/-/
> /-----/!t loop
> p‘ teleplay



2:[email protected]\[email protected],@,将换行符替换为逗号;这样原来的两行就变成了一行;



5:/-----/!t loop:是否存在5个"-",如果不存在,则跳到标签loop处,继续执行第4步添加"-",直到满足5个"-",则跳出循环打印。

最后,我们之前的所有的操作,都是没有修改文件的本身的,可以使用 -i 选项来直接修改文件本身,慎用,建议在使用之前,先备份一下文件!

[[email protected] ~]# sed -i ‘1d‘ poetry
[[email protected] ~]#
[[email protected] ~]# cat poetry
2)Never lose hope.
3)Always have faith,
4)It allows you to cope.
5)Trying times will pass,
6)As they always do.
7)Just have patience,
8)Your dreams will come true.
9)So put on a smile,
10)You‘ll live through your pain.
11)Know it will pass,
12)And strength you will gain 


参考链接:http://blog.jobbole.com/109088/     《三分钟学会SED》写的非常好!

时间: 2025-01-16 03:38:35


〖Linux〗使用sed命令修改小端(little endian)存储的数据

1 #!/bin/bash - 2 #=============================================================================== 3 # 4 # FILE: hex_change.sh 5 # 6 # USAGE: ./hex_change.sh 7 # 8 # DESCRIPTION: 9 # 10 # OPTIONS: --- 11 # REQUIREMENTS: --- 12 # BUGS: --- 13 # NOTES:


从今天开始,Frank将开始在博客上记录自己学习linux的点点滴滴,F初来乍到,还望各位大佬多多指教.本次博客的主要内容如下: 计算机基础:简要的描述了计算机的组成及其功能: linux初识:介绍了linux主流的发行版,说明了不同的发行版之间的区别和linux的哲学思想,列出了linux发行版的基础目录名称命名法则及功能规定: 基础命令:详细介绍一些基础的命令,并就如何在linux系统上获取命令的帮助做出了解释. 一.计算机的组成及其功能 计算机主要是由5个部分组成 控制器(Control)

linux shell 用sed命令在文本的行尾或行首添加字符

from:http://www.cnblogs.com/aaronwxb/archive/2011/08/19/2145364.html 昨天写一个脚本花了一天的2/3的时间,而且大部分时间都耗在了sed命令上,今天不总结一下都对不起昨天流逝的时间啊~~~ 用sed命令在行首或行尾添加字符的命令有以下几种: 假设处理的文本为test.file 在每行的头添加字符,比如"HEAD",命令如下: sed 's/^/HEAD&/g' test.file 在每行的行尾添加字符,比如“T

Linux Shell编程 sed命令

概述 sed命令用来选取.替换.删除.新増数据 sed 是一种几乎可以应用在所有 UNIX 平台(包括 Linux)上的轻量级流编辑器.sed 有许多很好的特性.首先,它相当小巧,通常要比你所喜爱的脚本语言小多倍.其次,因为 sed 是一种流编辑器,所以,它可以对从如管道这样的标准输入中接收的数据进行编辑.因此,无须将要编辑的数据存储在磁盘上的文件中.因为可以轻易将数据管道输出到 sed,所以,将 sed 用作强大的 Shell 脚本中长而复杂的管道很容易.sed 主要是用来将数据进行选取.替换


选定行的范围:,(逗号) 删除操作:d命令 显示模式空间内容 追加(行下):a\命令 插入(行上):i\命令 退出:q命令 多点编辑:e命令 从文件读入:r命令 写入文件:w命令 替换操作:s命令 替换文本中的字符串: 全面替换标记g 保持和获取:h命令和G命令 保持和互换:h命令和x命令 sed 简介 sed 工作原理 命令格式 常用选项: 地址定界: 编辑命令: 替换标记: sed元字符集(正则表达式) 高级编辑命令: sed用法实例 作业: 作业: sed命令 sed 简介 Stream


sed是stream editor的简称,也就是流编辑器.它一次处理一行内容,处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中,称为“模式空间”pattern space,接着用sed命令处理缓冲区中的内容,处理完成后,把缓冲区的内容送往屏幕.接着处理下一行,这样不断重复,直到文件末尾.文件内容并没有 改变,除非你使用重定向存储输出. 使用语法sed命令的使用规则是这样的: sed [option] 'command' input_file 其中option是可选的,常用的option有如下几种: -n


sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text 流编辑器的过滤和转换文本 sed [-nerf] [动作] 参数: -i 修改源文件 危险 -e 直接在命令行模式上执行sed的动作编辑 -f 直接将sed的动作写在一个文件内,-f filename 则可以执行filename内的sed动作 -r :使用扩展的正则表达式 -n 静默模式,默认的sed中所有来自stdin的数据一般都会被列出到屏幕上,但如果加上-n之后,则只有经过sed


Sed 流 编 辑 器 1.sed的基本用法: sed  [OPTION]...  'script' input-file... 2.sed:Stream   Editor  文本编辑器 行编辑器(全屏编辑器:vi) 3.sed:模式空间 默认不编辑源文件,仅对模式空间中的数据做处理,而后,处理结束后,讲模式空间打印至屏幕 1>.常用选项: -n  : 静默模式,不再默认显示模式空间的内容: -i   : 直接修改源文件: -e  : script   -escript    可以同时执行多个脚


sed 是一种在线编辑器,它一次处理一行内容.处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中,称为"模式空间"(pattern space),接着用sed命令处理缓冲区中的内容,处理完成后,把缓冲区的内容送往屏幕.接着处理下一行,这样不断重复,直到文件末尾.文件内容并没有 改变,除非你使用重定向存储输出.Sed主要用来自动编辑一个或多个文件:简化对文件的反复操作:编写转换程序等. 默认情况下,sed的所有处理行为不会影响源文件的内容:我们一般会使用sed命令来自动编辑一个或多个文件,简化对文