Approvals for EBS 1.4 Now Available

If you haven‘t been following the excellent Workflow blog, you might have missed the announcement about the latest update to our Approvals for EBS mobile app.

Approvals for EBS 1.4 is part of a coordinated release of 17 E-Business Suite mobile apps.  These apps are designed to work with EBS 12.1.3 and 12.2 and are available for iOS and Android.

This is our fifth set of updates to this family of EBS smartphone apps. For details about the entire set of EBS mobile apps, see:

What‘s New?

Updates to our Approvals for EBS 1.4 app include:

  • New approval types for:
    • Channel Revenue Management (claims, budgets, and offers)
    • Human Resources (absences and learning including class enrollments and certification subscriptions)
    • Inventory (move orders)
    • Maintenance (work orders, work requests, and work permits)
    • Order Management (RMAs, sales agreements, and quotes)
    • Quoting (quotes)
  • Ability to view attachments for approval requests
  • Ability to add custom workflows
  • Enhanced Pending Approvals by Type page
  • Improved subject card view in the Details page
  • Enhanced refresh interaction using a Pull to Refresh gesture in place of the Sync icon
  • Mobile Foundation
    • User installation and usage metrics for administrators
    • Updated look and feel for selected app interactions
    • Use of Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF) 2.2.2

Some of these new features require EBS server-side patches.  See the documentation above for details.


Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes (Doc ID 1642423.1)


时间: 2024-08-05 06:46:00

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