

136.You issued the following command to mount the DATA disk group in restricted mode:
What is the implication of this command?
A. The client RDBMS instance can access the file as a read-only file.
B. A new disk cannot be added to a disk group.
C. A disk in a disk group can be taken offline.
D. The client RDBMS instance cannot access the files in the disk group.


137.Your company wants to upgrade the current production database to the RAC environment. To perform testing before migrating to the RAC environment,
you performed the workload capture on the production database to record the peak workload. You set up the test RAC database and want to replay the recorded workload on the testmachine.
Note the following steps that you may require to replay the database workload:
1) Preprocess the captured workload.
2) Restart the database in RESTRICTED mode.
3) Set up the Replay Clients.
4) Restore the test database to the point when the capture started.
5) Remap connections.
Arrange the steps required in the correct sequence to accomplish this task on the test machine.
A. 1, 4, 5, 3 (2 is not required.)
B. 1, 4, 3, 5 (2 is not required.)
C. 1, 2, 4, 5 (3 is not required.)
D. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
E. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3


138.You are working on the APPDB database as a DB A. The database has a default Flashback Data Archive DFLA1 created on it.
You issued the following command to drop the Flashback Archive FLA1:
What is the effect of this command?
A. The Flashback Archive FLA1 is dropped only if it is empty.
B. The tablespace having Flashback Archive is dropped.
C. The Flashback Archive FLA1 is dropped after moving the existing data in it to the default Flashback Archive.
D. The Flashback Data Archive and historical data are dropped.


139.Which two prerequisites are needed for performing workload capture and replay? (Choose two.)
A. Close all sessions performing queries using database links.
B. running the database in shared server mode
C. The database on which the workload is replayed has to be a restore of the original database to a specific SCN.
D. setting up the directory to capture the workload


140.Which two statements are true regarding Health Monitor checks in Oracle Database 11g? (Choose two.)
A. Health Monitor checks can be used to scan the contents of the redo log and archive logs for accessibility and corruption.
B. Health Monitor checks can be used to verify the integrity of database files and report failures if these files are inaccessible, corrupt or inconsistent.
C. Health Monitor checks can be used to verify the contents of dictionary entries for each dictionary object and fix it automatically.
D. Health Monitor checks are always initiated manually when there is some critical error.
时间: 2024-10-25 06:36:29


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Cocos2d-x 3.x 图形学渲染系列二十八

笔者介绍:姜雪伟,IT公司技术合伙人,IT高级讲师,CSDN社区专家,特邀编辑,畅销书作者,国家专利发明人;已出版书籍:<手把手教你架构3D游戏引擎>电子工业出版社和<Unity3D实战核心技术详解>电子工业出版社等. CSDN视频网址:http://edu.csdn.net/lecturer/144 昨天,刚从丈母娘家回来,继续博客的更新,接着Cocos2d-x 3.x图形学渲染系列二十七继续系列二十八的编写. 接下来读取FBX模型文件信息,首先要做的是把读取的模型信息进行归类并


在一个项目中,项目经理有多大权利,可以动用哪些资源,取决于项目管理模式,项目管理模式由公司的CTO来决定.简而言之,项目管理有三种模式:项目型.职能型.矩阵型. 下面先看看这三种模式,对项目经理来说都是什么作用. 1项目型 将所有的能兵强将集结在一起,财务部.业务部.IT管理部等的精英们脱离原有的岗位.形成一个正式的部门,并由项目经理领导.这样的优势是项目经理的权利很强.资源充足,所有的项目经理都希望有这样的团队.但是就公司而言,单独团队对公司整体资源的浪费,是显而易见的:对被抽调的个人而言,脱


在linux下做开发,甚至是只做管理维护工作,也少不了Vim的使用.作为一个新手,我也是刚刚接触,本节将我日常使用或收集的Vim常用命令记录下来. 当然,直接在命令行上输入:vimtutor,就可以学习到Vim的所有命令了.Vim很强大,很多牛人在vim里集成很多插件什么的,但这里只介绍基本vim命令 移动命令 h "左 j "下 k "上 l "右 w "光标移动到下一个单词的首字符 a word forward b "光标移动到上一个单词的首


一:上图,不清楚的看代码注解,很详细了 二:具体代码 窗体代码 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressio