2019 ICM Problem D: Time to leave the Louvre

2019 ICM
Problem D: Time to leave the Louvre
The increasing number of terror attacks in France[1]
requires a review of the emergency
evacuation plans at many popular destinations. Your ICM team is helping to design evacuation
plans at the Louvre in Paris, France. In general, the goal of evacuation is to have all occupants
leave the building as quickly and safely as possible. Upon notification of a required evacuation,
individuals egress to and through an optimal exit in order to empty the building as quickly as
The Louvre is one of the world’s largest and most visited art museum, receiving more than 8.1
million visitors in 2017[2]
. The number of guests in the museum varies throughout the day and
year, which provides challenges in planning for regular movement within the museum. The
diversity of visitors -- speaking a variety of languages, groups traveling together, and disabled
visitors -- makes evacuation in an emergency even more challenging.
The Louvre has five floors, two of which are underground.
Figure 1: Floor plan of Louvre[3]
The 380,000 exhibits located on these five floors cover approximately 72,735 square meters,
with building wings as long as 480 meters or 5 city blocks[3]
. The pyramid entrance is the main
and most used public entrance to the museum. However, there are also three other entrances
usually reserved for groups and individuals with museum memberships: the Passage Richelieu
entrance, the Carrousel du Louvre entrance, and the Portes Des Lions entrance. The Louvre has
an online application, “Affluences” (https://www.affluences.com/louvre.php), that provides realtime
updates on the estimated waiting time at each of these entrances to help facilitate entry to
the museum. Your team might consider how technology, to include apps such as Affluences, or
others could be used to facilitate your evacuation plan.
Only emergency personnel and museum officials know the actual number of total available exit
points (service doors, employee entrances, VIP entrances, emergency exits, and old secret
entrances built by the monarchy, etc.). While public awareness of these exit points could provide
additional strength to an evacuation plan, their use would simultaneously cause security concerns
due to the lower or limited security postures at these exits compared with level of security at the
four main entrances. Thus, when creating your model, your team should consider carefully when
and how any additional exits might be utilized.
Your supervisor wants your ICM team to develop an emergency evacuation model that allows
the museum leaders to explore a range of options to evacuate visitors from the museum, while
also allowing emergency personnel to enter the building as quickly as possible. It is important to
identify potential bottlenecks that may limit movement towards the exits. The museum
emergency planners are especially interested in an adaptable model that can be designed to
address a broad set of considerations and various types of potential threats. Each threat has the
potential to alter or remove segments of possible routes to safety that may be essential in a single
optimized route. Once developed, validate your model(s) and discuss how the Louvre would
implement it.
Based on the results of your work, propose policy and procedural recommendations for
emergency management of the Louvre. Include any applicable crowd management and control
procedures that your team believes are necessary for the safety of the visitors. Additionally,
discuss how you could adapt and implement your model(s) for other large, crowded structures.
Your submission should consist of:
One-page Summary Sheet,
Your solution of no more than 20 pages, for a maximum of 21 pages with your summary.
Judges expect a complete list of references with in-text citations, but may not consider
appendices in the judging process.
Note: Reference list and any appendices do not count toward the 21-page limit and
should appear after your completed solution.
[1] Reporters, Telegraph. “Terror Attacks in France: From Toulouse to the Louvre.” The
Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 24 June 2018, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/terrorattacks-france-toulouse-louvre/.
[2] “8.1 Million Visitors to the Louvre in 2017.” Louvre Press Release, 25 Jan. 2018,
[3] “Interactive Floor Plans.” Louvre - Interactive Floor Plans | Louvre Museum | Paris,
30 June 2016, www.louvre.fr/en/plan.
[4] “Pyramid” Project Launch – The Musée du Louvre is improving visitor reception
(2014-2016).” Louvre Press Kit, 18 Sept. 2014,
[5] “The ‘Pyramid’ Project - Improving Visitor Reception (2014-2016).” Louvre Press
Release, 6 July 2016, presse.louvre.fr/the-pyramid-project/.
Bottlenecks – places where movement is dramatically slowed or even stopped.
Emergency personnel – people who help in an emergency, such as guards, fire fighters,
medics, ambulance crews, doctors, and police.

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时间: 2024-08-30 16:09:34

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