

--- Abstract Factory
    Provides one level of interface higher than the factory pattern. It is used to return one of several factories.
--- Builder
    Construct a complex object from simple objects step by step.
--- Factory Method
    Provides an abstraction or an interface and lets subclass or implementing classes decide which class or method should be
    instantiated or called, based on the conditions or parameters given.
--- Prototype
    Cloning an object by reducing the cost of creation.
--- Singleton
    One instance of a class or one value accessible globally in an application.
Structural Patterns
--- Adapter
    Convert the existing interfaces to a new interface to achieve compatibility and reusability of the unrelated classes
    in one application. Also known as Wrapper pattern.
--- Bridge
    Decouple an abstraction or interface from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
--- Composite
    Build a complex object out of elemental objects and itself like a tree structure.
--- Decorator
    add additional features or behaviors to a particular instance of a class, while not modifying the other instances of same class
--- Facade
 Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. Wrap a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface.
--- Flyweight
    Make instances of classes on the fly to improve performance efficiently, like individual characters or icons on the screen.
--- Proxy
    Use a simple object to represent a complex one or provide a placeholder for another object to control access to it.
Behavioral Patterns
--- Chain of Responsibility
    Let more than one object handle a request without their knowing each other. Pass the request to chained objects until
    it has been handled.
--- Command
    Streamlize objects by providing an interface to encapsulate a request and make the interface implemented by subclasses
    in order to parameterize the clients.
--- Interpreter
    Provides a definition of a macro language or syntax and parsing into objects in a program.
--- Iterator
    Define an object that encapsulates details and other objects interact with such object. The relationships are loosely decoupled.
--- Mediator
Decouple the direct communication between objects by introducing a middle object, the mediator, that facilitates the communication
 between the objects.
--- Memento
    To record an object internal state without violating encapsulation and reclaim it later without knowledge of the original object.
--- Observer
    One object changes state, all of its dependents are updated automatically.
--- State
    An object‘s behavior change is represented by its member classes, which share the same super class.
--- Strategy
    Group several algorithms in a single module to provide alternatives. Also known as policy.
--- Template Method
    Provide an abstract definition for a method or a class and redefine its behavior later or on the fly without changing its structure.
--- Visitor
    Define a new operation to deal with the classes of the elements without changing their structures.
时间: 2024-10-07 08:15:41



本人最近收集了一下23种设计模式的英文解释,分享如下. --- Abstract Factory Provides one level of interface higher than the factory pattern. It is used to return one of several factories. --- Builder Construct a complex object from simple objects step by step. --- Factory Meth


设计模式(Design Patterns) --可复用面向对象软件的基础 设计模式(Design pattern)是一套被反复使用.多数人知晓的.经过分类编目的.代码设计经验的总结.使用设计模式是为了可重用代码.让代码更容易被他人理解.保证代码可靠性. 毫无疑问,设计模式于己于他人于系统都是多赢的,设计模式使代码编制真正工程化,设计模式是软件工程的基石,如同大厦的一块块砖石一样.项目中合理的运用设计模式可以完美的解决很多问题,每种模式在现在中都有相应的原理来与之对应,每一个模式描述了一个在我们周


23种设计模式 目录 创建型 1. Factory Method(工厂方法) 2. Abstract Factory(抽象工厂) 3. Builder(建造者) 4. Prototype(原型) 5. Singleton(单例) 结构型 6. Adapter Class/Object(适配器) 7. Bridge(桥接) 8. Composite(组合) 9. Decorator(装饰) 10. Facade(外观) 11. Flyweight(享元) 12. Proxy(代理) 行为型 13.

0. Java开发中的23种设计模式详解(转)

设计模式(Design Patterns) ——可复用面向对象软件的基础 设计模式(Design pattern)是一套被反复使用.多数人知晓的.经过分类编目的.代码设计经验的总结.使用设计模式是为了可重用代码.让代码更容易被他人理解.保证代码可靠性. 毫无疑问,设计模式于己于他人于系统都是多赢的,设计模式使代码编制真正工程化,设计模式是软件工程的基石,如同大厦的一块块砖石一样.项目中合理的运用设计模式可以完美的解决很多问题,每种模式在现在中都有相应的原理来与之对应,每一个模式描述了一个在我们周


一.设计模式的分类 总体来说设计模式分为三大类: 创建型模式,共五种:工厂方法模式.抽象工厂模式.单例模式.建造者模式.原型模式. 结构型模式,共七种:适配器模式.装饰器模式.代理模式.外观模式.桥接模式.组合模式.享元模式. 行为型模式,共十一种:策略模式.模板方法模式.观察者模式.迭代子模式.责任链模式.命令模式.备忘录模式.状态模式.访问者模式.中介者模式.解释器模式. 其实还有两类:并发型模式和线程池模式.用一个图片来整体描述一下: 二.设计模式的六大原则 总原则:开闭原则(Open C


C#常见的设计模式 一.概要: 模式分为三种,设计模式.体系结构模式与惯用法.其中惯用法是一种语言紧密相关的模式,例如,定界加锁模式其实是一种惯用法. 在C#项目开发过程中,很多情况下您已经使用了某些模式,但或许您并不知道自己所使用的这种解决方案是一种已经被总结归纳的模式. 工厂.策略.桥接.模板方法.代理等等23种Gof经典模式是属于设计模式,设计模式的粒度相对较小,基本上用于提高模块内部的可扩展性和可维护性需求 三层.MVC.IoC/DI等属于体系结构模式,粒度比设计模式大,它是从项目的整体


设计模式(Design Patterns) --可复用面向对象软件的基础 设计模式(Design pattern)是一套被反复使用.多数人知晓的.经过分类编目的.代码设计经验的总结.使用设计模式是为了可重用代码.让代码更容易被他人理解.保证代码可靠性. 毫无疑问,设计模式于己于他人于系统都是多赢的,设计模式使代码编制真正工程化,设计模式是软件工程的基石,如同大厦的一块块砖石一样.项目中合理的运用设计模式可以完美的解决很多问题,每种模式在现在中都有相应的原理来与之对应,每一个模式描述了一个在我们周


转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/lhy_ycu/article/details/40031567 今天来对这23种设计模式做个总结.咱使用设计模式的目的是为了可重用代码.让代码更容易被他人理解.保证代码可靠性,当然设计模式并不是万能的,项目中的实际问题还有具体分析.咱不能为了使用设计模式而使用,而是在分析问题的过程中,想到使用某种设计模式能达到咱需要的效果,而且比不使用设计模式更有优势,那么咱该考虑使用设计模式了. 一.设计模式的一般分类 创建型(Creator)模式(


一.设计模式的分类 总体来说设计模式分为三大类: 创建型模式,共五种:工厂方法模式.抽象工厂模式.单例模式.建造者模式.原型模式. 结构型模式,共七种:适配器模式.装饰器模式.代理模式.外观模式.桥接模式.组合模式.享元模式. 行为型模式,共十一种:策略模式.模板方法模式.观察者模式.迭代子模式.责任链模式.命令模式.备忘录模式.状态模式.访问者模式.中介者模式.解释器模式. 其实还有两类:并发型模式和线程池模式.用一个图片来整体描述一下: 二.设计模式的六大原则 1.开闭原则(Open Clo