ntp ipa ssh

On per-vm
#systemctl stop dhcpd
#systemctl disable dhcpd

#tzselect   //time zone selection
[[email protected] ~]#yum -y install ntp
#vim /etc/ntp.conf  //#server0,1,2,3,
restrict mask nomodify notrap
server asia.pool.ntp.org iburst
#systemctl restart ntpd
#systemctl enable ntpd
[[email protected] ~]#vim /etc/ntp.conf
server iburst
#ntpq -p     //Standard NTP query program
; #chrony(graphical)
   remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================  .INIT.          16 u    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
#yum -y install ipa-server ipa-server-dns bind bind-dyndb-ldap
#echo " workstation.example.com" >> /etc/hosts
#ipa-server-install --setup-dns
; The IPA Master server  will be configured with :
; Hostname:  workstation.example.com
; IP address(es):
; Domain name:  example.com
; Realm name:  EXAMPLE.COM
; BIND DNS server will be configured to serve IPA domain with:
; Forwarder:
; Reverse zone(s): No reverse zone
; Next steps:
;  1. You must make sure these network ports are open:
;  TCP Ports:
;  * 80, 443: HTTP/HTTPS
;  * 389, 636: LDAP/LDAPS
;  * 88, 464: kerberos
;  * 53: bind
;  UDP Ports:
;   * 88, 464: kerberos
;  * 53: bind
;  * 123: ntp
; 2. You can now obtain a kerberos ticket using the command: ‘kinit admin‘
;    This ticket will
#kinit admin
#ipa user-add ruiyung --firt=Yun --last=Rui --password
#ipa user-find ruiyung
#ipa dnsrecord-add example.com server1 --a-rec   ????
#ipa dnsrecord-add example.com server2 --a-rec  ???? 
#ipa dnsrecord-add example.com database --a-rec  ????
MAIL-----------------------------A record

On server1,server2,database.
#nmcli c m "System eno16777736" ipv4.dns
#systemctl restart network
#authconfig --enablemkhomedir --update

时间: 2024-07-29 09:28:49

ntp ipa ssh的相关文章


环境:物理环境  windows7 虚拟环境  centos 7.0 设备:workstation(workstation.example.com) server1(server1.example.com) server2(server2.example.com) database(database.example.com) 一.NTP   网络时间协议   (保证相同时间戳) 1.workstation跟互联网的时间同步 2.database,server1,server2跟workstati


实验环境:workstation机器作为服务端,实现ntp服务 server1.server2.database作为客户端 实验要求:完成时间的同步 服务端访问客户端时,不需要密码,且不准root用户登陆 利用iPA服务实现用户管理 开始配置:  一:configure ntp service 1.使workstation机器作为服务端.获取asia的同步时间. vim /etc/ntpd.conf #server 0.centos.pool.ntp.orgiburst #server 1.ce

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NTP 配置两个节点检查是否安装ntp rpm -q ntp///如果没安装就yum -y install ntp 进行安装///systemctl enable ntpd systemctl enable ntpd.service 设置开机启动ntpsystemctl start ntpd 启动ntpsystemctl status ntpd 查看ntp状态 -----racdb1 作为NTP服务端和客户端配置---------vi /etc/ntp.conf# 外部时间服务器不可用时,以本地

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若新安装虚拟机,或者新装linux系统.需安装gcc等yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake cmake ntp rsync ssh vim  yum -y install zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pcre-devel 1.下载Python-2.7.11.tgz 2.解压文件 tar -zxvf Python-2.7.11.tgz 3.创建安装目录 mkdir /usr/local/python

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四.修改配置 1.vi /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 1) ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. ; http://php.net/extension-dir ; extension_dir = "./" extension_dir="/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/"

[转载] puppet简介

原文: http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/introduction-puppet puppet主要用于维护集群的各个节点向一致的状态转变, 集群规模大了之后, 如何保证各个节点的状态一致(比如安装的软件包, /proc参数等)? puppet提供了一套解决方案 Puppet简介 作者 Susannah Axelrod ,译者 邵思华 发布于 2015年3月11日 | 讨论 分享到:微博微信FacebookTwitter有道云笔记邮件分享 稍后阅读 我的阅读清单 每


vim /etc/login.defsPASS_MAX_DAYS 90 //口令最大有效天数PASS_MIN_DAYS 10 //口令最小有效天数PASS_MIN_LEN 8 //口令最少字符数PASS_WARN_AGE 5 //口令过期提前警告天数 echo 'ONLY Authorized users only! All accesses logged' > /etc/motdrm -f /etc/issuerm -f /etc/issue.nettouch /etc/issuetouch