SQL30082N while connecting to DB2

Technote (troubleshooting)


Websphere Message Broker message flow fails to connect to a DB2 datasource, failing with error ‘SQL30082N‘.


These errors can be seen in a user level trace of the execution group:

DatabaseException BIP2393E: Database error: ODBC return code ‘-1‘ from data source ‘‘<DSN>‘‘ using ODBC driver manager ‘‘libbipodbc.a(odbc.so)‘‘.

DatabaseException BIP2322E: Database error: SQL State ‘‘08001‘‘; Native Error Code ‘-30082‘; Error Text ‘‘[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "19" ("USERID DISABLED or RESTRICTED"). SQLSTATE=08001 ‘‘.


DB2 makes an internal call to the Operating System API command ‘loginrestrictions()‘ to verify whether a particular user is allowed to access the system. If a user does not have appropriate permissions, then the connection will fail.

Diagnosing the problem

If you suspect this may be a problem, attempt to manually connect to your database via the DB2 connect command. If your user is restricted, you will see an error, such as:

db2 connect to MYDB user myuser using XXXXXX

SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "19" ("USERID DISABLED or RESTRICTED"). SQLSTATE=08001

Resolving the problem

To allow access from your user, you will need to either speak with your system administrator to allow login permissions/attributes, or disable the login restrictions with the ‘db2set‘ command:


Then, restart DB2 and attempt to connect again, to confirm.

The setting of DB2LOGINRESTRICTIONS is at the preference of the user for their environment, and can be treated as a permanent solution, as long as it adheres to company policies.

Some users prefer not to have this attribute‘s restrictions enforced so they can override this enforcement by setting: 

The variable is documented in the DB2 Information Center.

Related information

DB2 System Environment Variables
DB2 technote regarding Error SQL30082N

Product Alias/Synonym

WMB MB Message Broker MQ Integrator WBIMB WBI-MB MQSI WMQI

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Document information

More support for:

WebSphere Message Broker
DB Connectivity / ODBC / JDBC

Software version:

6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0

Operating system(s):

AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows

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时间: 2024-08-28 02:21:29

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